Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cousins' Week: A zoo day

After a "nutritious" breakfast - ahem - we put off our Psalm 23 lessons for later that afternoon, as we wanted to get to the zoo before it got too hot!  We took Kobi to the Friesens for the morning.

I don't know as if I'd ever seen a donkey? like this.

 Claire loves her horses!

 This guy cracked me up!

 Hannah loves elephants!

 They must have put treats inside the log for them.

 The elephants were eating and we decided to dig out our snacks too.

continuing on to the tigers


 Such pretty birds!

Here she is from  2015

and from 2012, the others!

After the zoo, the crew were hungry so off we went to find lunch.

 Then back to pick up Kobi from the puppy-sitters!

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