Saturday, December 7, 2019

Packing Meals

We often spend the night at the "Prier Hotel" when we are in Arkansas, which is our daughter-in-law's parents' home.  They live right next door to them.  We woke up to see deer out in the back yard.  I think I count 4.

We had our coffee and devotions, then walked over to our son's home.  He and Emeri were making breakfast.  Staci was out running with the dog.

 Papa and Elijah played tennis while waiting for breakfast.

After we finished eating, we drove to Rogers to help out with "Feed My Starving Children".  We were all given lovely orange hair nets.

  I thought our kids' friend/neighbor looked like Bozo the Clown!
Don't you see the resemblance??

I signed up to stick on stickers.

I knew I couldn't stand for 2 hours!

 We all worked hard while loud music played. 


 We ended up packing 83,000 meals if I recall correctly! 

Someone suggested we go for ice-cream

 The original Wal-mart, before it was called that.

This was a busy soda fountain shop!

We didn't take time to go through the museum, but it would be fun to do some time.  I guess the Walton family loved ice-cream too!

 Sam Walton's pick up.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Another Arkansas road trip!

I got home from California and then 4 days later, we were off again - this time back to Arkansas.  I didn't even bother to put my suitcase away!

On Highway 400, in the Flinthills, we have often seen this structure in the distance.  We wanted to check it out!

 I would LOVE to know the history of this place!

 This horse was curious about our presence.

As we were driving back to the highway, a truck came by.  We rolled down our window.  The driver told us he rented the land but when we asked him if he knew the history, he didn't.  Sure wish he had!

Wonder what is under the tarp?

We love to stop here in Webb City for lunch!

We stopped for a visit with my uncle and aunt.  She is not long for this world.  We thought by now she would be with the Lord, but she continues to linger.  And always has a smile.  He knows her days.

First thing when we got to our son's home - our grandson has a sword fight with his Papa!

That evening, we went out for some pie!  I had been mentioning about eating pie with Carolyn and Marilyn in California at Marie Calender's and Staci said "Let's go out for pie!!"


Monday, December 2, 2019

Our last day with Carolyn

We were excited to go to church with Carolyn on Sunday morning!

We sat with her family.  How wonderful it would be to be able to attend church with your family.  I am grateful for the years we were able to do that with our daughter and her family.  Now, all our children live in different states than we do.  But this is where God has all of us for now.

It was missions Sunday.  The key thought for me was "You shall be my witnesses."  We are.  We are witnesses, good or bad.  When people look at me, wherever I am, do they see me reflect Him in a positive way, or do I make Him look bad?

"One thing I want in my life,
       first and foremost - 
that Christ would be
        glorified in and through me."
After church, we went to this spot at Ventura Harbour with dear friends of Carolyn's.  John and Lucy.  Bill and Dana.  They are long-time friends and so very sweet!!

  We shared our personal journeys and how we had come to know Jesus Christ.

(sorry Marilyn.  Eyes closed, but it was a good picture of the others)
 A beautiful young lady jumped up from the table next to ours and offered to take our photo.  Before she left, she spoke to us.  She had taken note that we were Christians.  See?  "You WILL be My witnesses."

"Would you pray for me?" 
      "What's your name?"
      "Is there anything specific we can pray about?" 
"He knows!" 
        Yes He does!!

"...for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of every thought.  If you seek Him, He will let you find Him."  
1 Chron. 28:9

I've been praying regularly for her!  I know the others are too.

When we were done eating, we went for a walk.

A little bird show.

 We stopped for some ice-cream!

John drove us to the beach.  

I could have cried.  I LOVE the ocean!  I was so happy to be there!  I would have been really happy if they would have just left me there for several hours, just to sit and watch the waves!   I found a heart shaped rock on the beach!

We continued our drive along the coast.

 Homes along the way:

Lucy got out of the car to pick up a flyer of a home for sale.  A hefty price tag!!

What a wonderful Sunday it had been, going to church and meeting Carolyn's friends!

The next day, before our Uber arrived to take us to the airport, Carolyn let Marilyn pick out some sheet music of Rich's.

Oh, what a sweet time we had with our dear "sister-in-the-Lord"!!

On the plane, I sat next to a guy named Dave from Oklahoma, who began to share his story with me and why he had been in California.  I was able to open the Bible and share several verses with him.  He didn't know much but was so open to hear about Christ!  We talked the whole time!  Remember "You WILL be My witnesses."  God just opened the way for our conversation.  Such a nice kid!  Praying for him too!

We had a l--o--n--g layover in Denver, that just got longer and longer.  We saw a couple of girls that we recognized.  We waved them over.  They work at the Meridian Market in Newton and had been to a single's retreat in Yuma with youth from all over the US and Canada.  "So, did you find your special one?"  They just smiled.

We arrived in Wichita after midnight and both of our guys were there to pick us up!  We were just so grateful for this trip that we were able to go on and that our guys encouraged it.