Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A trip with my grandddaughter

I had trouble sleeping the night before the trip.  "Father, guide me this day.  Guard my way.  Keep me alert."  As I was having my morning devotions,  I saw a great egret out my window, just gliding on the wind.  Not flapping it's wings; just hanging in the air.  It was beautiful!

"There is a fable about the way birds first got their wings.  The story goes that initially they were made without them. Then God made the wings, set them down before the wingless birds, and said to them "Take up these burdens and carry them."  When asked to pick up the burdens that lay at their feet, they hesitated at first.  Yet soon they obeyed and put them on their shoulders.  For a short time the load seemed so heavy and difficult to bear!  But when they discovered how to use them, they were carried heavenward.  Our burdens can become as wings - soar and rise to Him!  To refuse to bend our shoulders to carry a load is to miss an opportunity for growth."   J.R. Miller, Streams in the Desert

I kissed Allen goodbye and headed out for Harrisonville, Mo. where I would meet up with my son and granddaughter, Emeri.  This stop was 2 1/2 hours away from both of us so a good meeting place.  Being it was lunchtime, Emeri chose for us to eat at the DQ.  

 We transferred her luggage over to my car, said our farewells to Josh and headed for Iowa.  We came across a bad accident in Kansas City.  We prayed for the people who were being taken into an ambulance.  We had a good time talking and she also spent time watching "Downton Abbey".

As we got close to the turnoff for Cedar Rapids, the sky north was looking very wicked.  Initially, my thought was to stop at Coralville for the night and although it seemed too early to stop for the night (I was glad I hadn't made reservation) I went ahead and pulled up to the hotel I had considered to wait out the storm.

 "Emeri, those clouds are rotating."  I pulled under the awning of the hotel to check to see if there were possible rooms available and at that time ping pong ball size hail fell from the sky!  I was so glad to have the car under cover!!

 Then tornado sirens began to blare!  I told Emeri we better get inside, but then the sirens quit.  I was pretty sure the tornado, if there was one, was already south of us.  "Let's keep going, Emeri."  It was only 5:30 so we continued on.  Although I was glad I hadn't made reservations, I was glad I  had considered it so we had a safe place for awhile!

My GPS took us on a rural road to Cedar Rapids.  380 must have had construction or something.  I talked with Jill and she said that had happened to them also when they returned home a few weeks earlier.  I always love to go on off roads, preferably 2 lane and so I was happy!  Beautiful rolling hills!

 I believe God's hand was on us.  We came across field upon field of flattened corn and at one farm, some of its roof was scattered across the field. There were some downed trees.  If I had not pulled off at Coralville, we would have been smack dab in the middle of the storm!

 Then a rainbow appeared in the sky and for over 1/2 hour, we followed it into Dubuque!  I told Emeri it was just a gift!  Usually a rainbow does not last very long at all. 

 Thank You, Father, for Your hand of protection and for the beautiful gift of this  rainbow that shone down for us, displaying Your glory!

I had talked with Allen about going on to Dubuque so he called ahead to find us lodging.  He had to call 4 places before finding one that had 2 queen beds.  We stayed at a Hampton that had such comfortable beds!!  Much needed rest before continued travels into Wisconsin.

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