Monday, February 15, 2021

Valentine Party

This past weekend was Valentine's Day. 

Allen bought me some beautiful roses and I got him some chocolate turtles
 (he loves pecans!)

Last weekend we had a Superbowl watch party with friends from church.  The time with them was super fun, although the outcome of the game was disappointing for sure!  But we enjoyed telling stories and sharing laughs with each other!

Boo hoo, Chiefs!!

This past Saturday evening, we had another party at our house; a Valentine's party with our Community Life Group (our small group from church).  Two couples could not come.

When the couples arrived, we pinned names of famous couples on their backs and they had to guess what names they had by asking "Yes" and "No" questions.

Vickie was the first to guess what couple was pinned to her back so she won a little prize.

Following that, we played a game where you try to read lips.  I had written several phrases on paper that the husband or wife would read to their spouse.  Because we were playing loud music in the ear of that spouse, they could not hear it but would have to figure it out by lip reading.

Here are the phrases we came up with:
I love all the adventures we have had together.  Hopefully Covid restrictions won't lock us up!
    God is good!  I know because He gave me you to love and to hold until death do us part.
You take my breath away.  Always!  Pant, pant!

I couldn't ask for a more wonderful (husband, wife) than you!
Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine!
    Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you!  XOXOXO
Has it really been (50) years?  I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat!
    I love spoiling you every day!  My heart pitter patters for you!

Bobbie won the prize for this game.

Time for eats! Lots of treats!

The next game we played was a version of Telestrations.   I had cut up copier paper in fourths.  Everyone got 10 sheets of paper (since there were 10 of us).   This game is similar to Telephone where you whisper a phrase and the person next to you tries to figure out what you said and passes it on.  Except with this version, you write out a phrase, pass it on, then the next person draws a picture of what that phrase says.  Phrase...draw...phrase...draw.

Example: I wrote out "going to the store and buying a Valentine card."  Randy drew a picture of some cards at the store.  He drew a symbol of a crown (for Hallmark cards).  But the person he gave that picture to thought it was books burning.  It ended up at the end being a hot dog roast.  When we were done, we marked through the papers so we could use the other side.  You could also staple all the pages, then you wouldn't get mixed up when you play it a 2nd time.

It is a most hilarious game and we just laughed and laughed!  
Lynn won this game; a Valentine necklace that lights up!

The last game we played was a game where you had to stack sweet tarts with chopsticks.  Husband vs. wife.   Who could stack the most in 1 minute.

Each couple received a packet of heart shaped sweet tarts for their participation.

What a fun time we had!   Love our friends!

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