Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Late freeze

"The grass withers and the flowers fall, 
but the word of our God endures forever."
Isaiah 40:8

Some of the spring flowers had bloomed and were done for the season.  
But some were just getting a good start.

Others had yet to bloom.  I'm excited for the iris to bloom!

The trees were so beautiful this spring!


We heard that snow was in the forecast!  I covered what needed to be protected from this late freeze!

It reminded me of how the Lord covers us:

The thunder rolled
Dark clouds hung low
I was out in a storm
I was shivering in the coldest night
No safe retreat from harm
And there blew strong winds
Would this be my end?
And then I heard my Friend
Callin' me to His side
And I ran under His wings
There He covered me
And now I can see
The storm still rages
Oh, but in the Rock of Ages
We're resting warmly here
Under our Lord's wings

Wonder what the snow/freeze will do to the flowering weeds?

or the flowering trees?

We woke up this late spring morning to 2" of snow!

One more night of freeze and then I'll uncover the flowers and see how they did! 

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