Friday, April 9, 2021


Wait - Webster's dictionary (yes, we still have the old fashioned dictionary in book form!) defines it "to stay in place in expectation".  Here are some synonyms:  lingering, dallying, slowness, postponement, tarrying.

We have had a lot of waiting going on.

Mindy had called to say that she would be coming for a visit.  We eagerly waited for her to come.  We had a wonderful time!  We talked and laughed and also took walks. 

I took her baby shopping.  Now we wait for baby's arrival!

Al needed a hair cut.  He had gone to the barber shop and they were full.  So he waited for Mindy to come so she could give him a hair cut.

We have been waiting for baby to begin to pooch out.  She is beginning to show more as she heads into the last trimester.  She sent this picture from Hawaii.  They took a little vacation before the baby's arrival.  I guess the term is babymoon.  

My friend had her house on the market for a long time.  She knew God had the right time for it all to fall into place.  She waited and waited on Him.  And that time came.

Then, since she moved away, I eagerly waited for the time when she would come visit and that time came this week!  It was so fun to catch up!

With school on-line, our granddaughter Hannah had been waiting for the time the school could have choir once again.  She loves to sing!  And finally, they were able to do choir once more, with limited seating.  We could watch it though!

(Can I say I can't wait for the masks to go away??)

I saw a purple martin scout one morning so I told Allen we needed to put up the martin house!

We waited several days before 3 martins showed up and then it took another 2 weeks for the remainder of the martins to arrive and fill up the house.

Now I'm waiting for the orioles and hummingbirds to arrive!  Should be soon!  I've put out the feeders!

I love a good Spring thunder storm.  I saw the "boomer" clouds.  And we didn't have to wait long for the rain.

So grateful for fine Spring days!  I often heard people say "I can't wait for Spring!"  Well, Spring is here!

I couldn't wait to plant flowers and for my perennials to pop up.  My trees have begun blooming!

Now I'm waiting on my irises!

Our town started a cruisin' night each Saturday evening during Covid lock down days.  It quit for the winter and we waited for it to start up again, which it did this past Saturday evening.

I'd been trying to find someone to fix our window that was stuck.  Our home is now 16 years old and things are starting to fall apart.  The people who put in our windows no longer use this brand.  We have waited trying to find someone who could repair it.  Then I had a bright idea to try You Tubing the solution, and low and behold, we found a couple of videos of repairmen who showed you how to fix  it!  Yay!!  The window is fixed!!

Our grandkids have been waiting to get a puppy.  They had to wear down their daddy and get him to change his mind.  They waited and waited forever, and finally, Josh caved in.  Now they are waiting for Sir Reginald Bartholomew Longbottom the 3rd (Reggie) to be weaned and then they can bring him home!

I don't know the last time all of us siblings have been together.   Maybe over a year?  I think it was Christmas before Covid!  This past week we finally were able to be together once again!  

A bonus was that a couple of our 1st cousins were able to come too!!

Lastly, as I look at things going on in the world today, as this world is more and more in turmoil,
    as we see Bible prophecy taking place before our eyes, 
      what I    really wait     for, 
           what I long for, 
                                        is the trumpet call!

"Wait for the Lord;
   be strong and take heart
   and wait for the Lord."   Psalm 27:14

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.  It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we WAIT for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good."  Titus 2:11-14

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Debbie, I have so much enjoyed your blogs! What a delight to keep up with your family! And this post about waiting is so good. Thanks for sharing. Waiting is really worth it for all the good things God has for us, even the joys in our fallen world, and then of course for his coming which I believe is soon!
