Saturday, June 5, 2021

Heading home to Kansas

We left the New Jerusalem Badlands and continued south to Scott City.  

I would love to know the stories of these earlier pioneers!

We had stopped here to see this one other time.  You can read about it here.

We turned west on 96. 

A Kansas wheat elevator.  This is where wheat is stored until it is sold.
 (I have a few people who do read my blog who live in countries where there is no such thing like this.)

Oil well country.

We found out that our family has mineral rights in Texas! - may we be so blessed if they find oil on our land!  (not holding our breath, but we can wish!)  

Allen's great-uncles had land in Texas, where the family sometimes wintered.  This was sold, although the property rights retained.  Having never married, the mineral rights were bequeathed to their sister, Al's grandma.  

The reason the family travelled to Texas was on doctor's orders for Grandma's headaches.  Many years later, when Grandma cut her long hair that had been rolled up in a "rat's tail", her headaches went away.  So, if we get rich, we can thank that doctor for his advice!

And we can thank Uncle Jonas and Uncle Chris if our ship ever comes in!  Ha!!

Al's grandparents are on the top left.  Uncle Jonas and Uncle Chris are on the front, Al's great-grandparents sandwiched between them.

Continuing on our journey after that little rabbit trail...

some old buildings in small Kansas towns.

Some interesting smells in Kansas...

Beautiful Kansas skies

The skies were looking dark to the west.

I checked the radar on my phone.  Hmmm.  We best turn south.  We kept watching the radar.

We pulled into Sylvia as we watched the storms go around us.

This is the church our friend has purchased.  

This new friend is from California.  We have a mutual friend who introduced us. 

Cathy served us tea and croissants at this table.  I urged her tell Allen her life story and her vision for this place.  We visited for a few very precious hours as we heard about God's work in her life!  About her parents' connections with Henrietta Mears, Billy Graham and Francis and Edith Schaeffer.  Amazing how God works in our lives, how He intersects our lives with others.

We didn't get home until close to midnight, but worth it!!  What a wonderful trip to Colorado.  We will be going back soon!  We have a precious child to see soon!

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