Monday, August 2, 2021

Day by Day 2

While I was in Colorado, my brother-in-law had a surprise 60th birthday party.  Here are the 3 brothers.  Happy birthday, Reuben!

What else have we done day by day? 

We celebrated our 64th wedding anniversary!

We've had lots of adventures over the years!

I made some granola for my daughter.  She loves this recipe!

This recipe is from the More with Less Cookbook.  I make it all the time.

I put it in a big roasting pan, not in 2 shallow pans.  I stir it only once.
  I don't add raisins either.  We don't care for cooked raisins personally.

I've enjoyed time with friends!
 Sewing for Dress A Girl.

We went to the rodeo in Pretty Prairie with friends Loren and Lynn.

This group put out a music video in our hometown.  They put a different name on the water tower, but it is our town!  Pretty cool!

We went out to eat at The Barn in Burrton with dear friends, Dave and Marilyn.

And visited at their home afterwards.

I had coffee with another sweet young friend, Hanna.

I took care of the children of our pastor and his wife, Jack and Courtney, while she had a medical procedure in Oklahoma.  We continue to pray for her healing.

We went to the splash park and the park at Quail Creek too.  The kids were excited to come to my house to play in our playhouse under our stairs.  Benjy kept calling it my Barbie House.

We went with friends, Marc and Sarah,  
to Chamber Music in the Barn at Prairie Pines.

My poor husband is "Patch the Pirate".  He either got a spider bite or is fighting some infection.  (He is being treated.)

I am so grateful for friends!  As we have been praying for one another day by day, I thought of the analogy of the Roman soldiers who get into turtle formation when they would meet the enemy.  Ephesians 6 talks about putting on the full armor of God, and as we do this, together we can advance against the enemy and help shield eachother!  We stand together!

Ephesians 6:13  -
Take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Be faithful - day by day!

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