Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tripping through Russell

 I arrived in Russell, KS around 5 pm.  I had turned a normal 2 hour trip into 3 hours, taking the "lesser" road.  But that is what I do!

Russell was originally named Fossil Station by the railroad, but later named after Captain Russell, Second Kansas Regiment, who was killed at Prairie Grove, Arkansas.  Russell was originally founded by a group of colonists from Ripon, Wisconsin who were looking for warmer winters and a new life.  They arrived by railroad and lived in the boxcars while their homes were being built.

"Russell is the location of the only site in the nation that two International Highways intersect.  Highway 281 stretches from Mexico to Canada and Highway 40 from coast to coast.  The highways are becoming fragmented due to updating the highway system. In some areas across the nation, Highway 40 has merged with I-70." - Russell Historical Society

There is a magnificent church close to my friend, Sheryl's house.

After unloading my car, Sheryl and I went out to eat.

She took me on a tour around town.

They have quite a few murals on buildings.

Isn't this neat for a library?

We wondered what this house was.

Here is a post about it.

We had to find Robert Dole's house, of course!
It is a private residence so no tours are given.

Here is the hospital where Sheryl's daughter works part-time.
Sheryl gets to babysit her grandbabies on those days.

When we finished the tour, we went on a walk; just like old days.

Thanks, friend, for letting me spend the night!
Off to pick up my daughter Jill at Denver Airport the next day!

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