Monday, October 18, 2021

Adventuring: Toot's Drive-In and Elk Falls

I belong to a Facebook group called "Old and Interesting Places in Kansas".  Someone had posted about a place called Toot's Drive-In located in Howard.  It wouldn't be going out of the way to go there on our way to Arkansas!

"Next time we go see Josh (our son), let's stop there!" I told my husband.

(I highlight roads we've been on in yellow in our atlas.  The road we took this time is 99 south close to Severy; turning east on 160 to 69.) 

Our granddaughter was in a play and we wanted to go see her!  So off we took, starting off normally on 400 highway toward Joplin.  I love seeing the Flint Hills!

We turned south on 99 and hadn't gone too far when I had Allen turn off so we could get a look at this old place.  I wonder who lived here?  How many children did they have?  What was it like to farm out here?

We arrived in Howard close to lunch time.

You can order outside or inside.   This place was busy!!  Lots of locals coming for take-out and a few sitting indoors.

Look at these curtains.  And the local advertisement bulletin board.

We split a bacon burger, the best onion rings we've ever had and coconut creme pie (homemade!).

As we drove out of town, there are these creations by a local craftsman.

I know a guy by that name!
I fell in love with him!

When we got to Highway 160, we turned east.  It was hilly.  If you look at the map above, you will see it is also rather curvy.

"When driving a car, there are stop signs and yield signs (and slow down signs!).  You can't have your foot on the accelerator all the time.  In life we must stop to rest.  Stop to pray; not go 90mph."  - author unknown.

Of course, we have to stop at historical markers!

Evidently, Elk Falls is considered the world's largest living ghost town.  

I wondered, if the town is called Elk Falls, are there falls?  As I thought that, I saw a sign for an iron truss bridge to the falls.  We HAVE to do this!

"There will always be the unknown.  There will always be the unprovable.  But faith confronts those frontiers with a thrilling leap.  Then life becomes vibrant with adventure!"  R. Schuller

There it is!  

As we walked on the bridge, it was creaking and moving a little.

One side....

and the other.


A beautiful butterfly rests on the bridge.

There was a little path you could take down to the falls.

A touch of fall.

Continuing on our journey...

Another historical marker!

Independence, Kansas (not Missouri)

I really like this style of house.

Al would love to own his own airplane and park it in the garage!

Tree growing out of a silo.

Gas station of by-gone days.

"Like a shell of a cicada or skin of snake, the church can look like the real thing but not be the real thing." - I had written down this quote but forgot to write down the author.  Hopefully, this church IS filled with those who love Jesus and follow Him!

When we got to Joplin, we needed gas.  There was a sign for cheap gas at a place we've not stopped before for gas.   It was a truck stop with a huge store inside!  This is only a part of it.

The new bypass is finally complete, bypassing Bella Vista and the pretty golf course.  The ribbon cutting had just been that morning and we were driving on it the first day it was opened!

It is not on Maps yet.

How I love to travel with Al (with his toothpick in his mouth).

It is always a joy to go on an adventure!  In "Epic; the story God is telling and the role that is yours to play" by John Eldredge, he writes "God gave us the wondrous world as our playground, and He told us to enjoy it fully and freely.  Yet despite His extravagent generosity, we had to reach for the one forbidden thing....Sin enters the story and spreads like a computer virus....Winter has come to Narnia."  The answer, of course, to our "winter" is God.  

"You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."  Psalm 16:11

"I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full."  John 10:10
Abundant life is found in Christ Jesus!!

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