Sunday, November 14, 2021

All you do is travel...

 Someone made that comment to me.  Well, yes, I do love to travel - a lot! - but I do have a life at home too!  Truly.

Of course, there is always laundry and ironing.  And cleaning house.  As empty nesters, there isn't as much as in years past though.

I sometimes bake - usually to take a meal for new moms or for a funeral or for our small group.

It always makes for lots of dishes that need to be washed!

We meet every other week with our Community Life group from church.  We love our "family", encouraging one another and praying for each other.  

Recently, one of our group had a father who passed away, so we attended the funeral.  After the service, they took him to the cemetery in the back of his truck.  Such a neat idea!  What a wonderful send off!

Our friends Dave and Sarah, and Joel and us help lead a Sunday School class for young marrieds/families.  We really enjoy these couples!  Today we had a cookout.

I teach young moms at church.
What a sweet bunch of girls!!

Bonnie, from church, always sets up our room nice and cozy! Thank you, Bonnie!!

I teach Awana Cubbies.  What a joy to do this!!  I love teaching little ones about God!

The Christian school nearby asked if I would give a lesson at chapel.  I brought a box of hats to show the children - construction, fireman's, coast guard, nurse, pirate, cowboy....  They were to guess what job a person who wears a hat like this has.

I put on a crown.  "Who is the King of all kings?"  "Jesus!"
Then I pulled out a crown of thorns.   "Who wore this 'hat'?" I asked the kids.  I did not put it on my head....those were real thorns!  But our Lord DID wear a crown of thorns.    

"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us." 1 Peter 2:24    What an amazing truth!

Weekly I go on a prayer walk - so many to pray for!

I don't get to Wichita often, but when I can, I love to walk with my friend there!

I try to walk regularly.  My ex-walking partner, who has moved away, tries to keep me accountable!

I am in a Bible study with women my age and older.  This year we are studying about Elijah.  Excellent!!  Also, we have been meeting once a month for almost 3 years, sewing dresses and shorts for a children's ministry in Haiti.  We completed our project this month!!

With the chaos happening right now in that country and with American citizens being asked to leave for the time being, we aren't sure what will happen.  We are in touch with the leaders there and hopefully soon, we can ship these to the children there!

So, I AM busy at home!  I'm not ALWAYS on the road.
 But these grandchildren do keep me hitting the road often!!

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