Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Denver Aquarium

The next morning, Jill's dropped Claire off for the day.  They took the older 2 girls and went to visit a college.  How is it that my oldest granddaughter is thinking about college already???

Tenley enjoys walking around her bouncer, rather than being in it!  She has a "helmet" on in case she falls.  It won't be long until she begins walking.  She hasn't begun crawling yet, but our son walked before he crawled, so who knows!

They will have their hands full in a few months!!

We took Claire to the Aquarium.

We are familiar with sturgeon from going to the Sturgeon Festival in Wisconsin!

She loves sea horses!

There were a couple of divers in the tank doing some kind of fixing.

Claire was able to get inside a bubble so she would be "inside" the tank with the sharks.

Ugly fish

Ugly flower

I thought the scales on this one was pretty!

I had never seen sword fish before.

Touching sting rays.

After the aquarium, we went to Mod Pizza (not Mod's, we were informed!).  They have a dairy-free one that Claire loves!

After pizza, we went next door for some gelato!

We met Mindy and Tenley at the neighborhood park.

One day, she will be climbing these jungle bars too.

Back at Mindy's place, Papa helped Claire with some school work.  
It is Hannah's Spring Break, but it is not Claire's.

A fun day with our youngest grandaughters!

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