Saturday, May 28, 2022

Baby overload!

 Mindy called.  Jason was going on a work trip; would I want to come to Denver and help out?   You betcha!  Last time, she had "stranger danger".  Would she warm up to her Nana this time?  

I asked my friend Ruth, if she'd like to go along.  So she made plans to visit a friend.  We saw these gorgeous iris at a rest stop.  

As I almost always do, we took a road we had never been on before.  I love adventure!!  Close to Denver, we veered off Interstate 70 onto 36 and went south on N. Kiowa-Bennett Road.

We knew we'd be running into a little storm.  As we drove south, there were so many tumbleweeds flying across the road in front of us and we drove over several too.  Ruth tried to get a photo but with the rain, it didn't show up.

If you look in the right hand bottom corner of the photo below, you'll see dust or something rising up to meet the low hanging clouds.  We could not tell if it was smoke from a fire - it wasn't - or was it dust being sucked up in an updraft?  A start of a tornado?  I didn't see circulation.  It was SO windy!!

We turned west on Airline Road.  It was beautiful!  The mountains were in front of us.   When we got to the outskirts of Denver, we turned north on 30 and west on Hampden Road to her friend's home.  All new to me!!  

After dropping Ruth off, I took Alameda toward my daughter's home where I got to see my granddaughter!!

I was thrilled that it didn't take Tenley long to warm up to me!  I brought some of my baby toys and also my Pattibooks to read to her.  I LOVE Pattibooks from the 50's-60's.  Sweet books to teach children about God's love.

I have several of them.  I read them to all my children when they were little and I now use them to read to the little ones at our church.  I have a few that are a newer edition but the art work does not compare!

Warning:  I took LOTS of pictures!  I'm in love!

It's pretty funny how she "crawls" or rather, scoots, across the floor.  

It is like her legs are paralyzed, but she knows how to work her legs.  Just not to crawl.  She loves to stand and walk around the room holding onto the walls or tables.

I love this little outfit with the roses.  It reminded me right away about the book "No Roses For Harry."

Tenley is going to be walking soon.  She practices on this little toy.

While Jason was gone, they took Bear to the sitters so Mindy wouldn't have to worry about taking care of him.  She hasn't felt the best with this pregnancy.  Without Bear around to clean up after meals, the floor got pretty messy!

We went to the Oriental market.

We went to the park.

Needing a bath before bed!

Usually this Little People person is Papa, but sometimes he is Jonah inside the whale.

Too soon it was time for me to go home.
Boo hoo!

I was so glad that Tenley got used to this Nana and enjoyed being with me this time!  No more crying when mommy left the room!!  Mindy even said that after I left, she kept looking for me!  Awww!

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