Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Kolona, Iowa to Wisconsin

I slept well.  In the morning, the Dutch Country Inn had the best hot shower with great pressure!  

After dressing, I went to the lobby for some yogurt and Amish cinnamon rolls!  Oh yum!

There were 3 Amish couples in the lobby and although they said "Good morning" to me in English, the rest of the time, they spoke Dietsch.  I went back to my room to have my devotions and to get packed up.  I noticed a van drive up and the couples loaded up with their "English" driver.

Being Sunday morning, I decided to attend the Kolona Mennonite Church.

This lady, Ida, was so kind and asked me to sit with her.

I found some Grabers (below)!  In fact, I was told more than once that there is another Debby Graber in Kolona.  She attends a different church, I believe Old Mennonite. I also talked with a Miller who was originally from Crystal Springs, Kansas!  

Most of these people had roots from Alcase, France, so am sure we are distantly related.  I also talked with a couple who would be related on my mother's side, who had the same last name as my mother's mother.  

I left Kalona around 11:30 and headed straight east on Highway 22.  (Follow yellow line at bottom of this map.)

Riverside, population 1,021 in 2020

Nichols, population 376 in 2020

Took 22 to 61 and then headed north at Davenport.


(you can purchase bison meat here)


These were all new roads to me.

We've been through Dubuque umpteen times, but have never come from the south or passed the airport before!

At Dubuque, I stopped for a dip cone.  I asked for a junior cone, but look what the guy gave me!

Here's the barn we have watched fall down over the years.

And then I arrived at the kids' house!!!  Yay!!!  Looking forward to watching these 2 kids for the week!

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