Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Breakfast on the beach; Destin

Brad and Julie were the best host and hostess!  You've probably heard the phrase "the hosts with the most."  This was true!!  

Their cat that fellow friend, Bonnie, gave them back in Kansas.
She is so pretty!

We had a good night's rest!

Julie had a pot of coffee all ready for us.

Such a beautiful home!  

Good morning, Sophia!

Look at this bouquet.

Lego flowers!
This is something my daughter-in-law, 
who is allergic to flowers, could enjoy!

Brad and Julie took us to the beach for breakfast.  We met Julie's mom, who is also a friend, Darlene, who had just recently moved from our town to be close to Julie.

Julie had fixed a couple of quiches, some muffins, mixed fruit and more!  A huge spread!!

Darlene invited us to her apartment and told us how God had provided it for her.

Such a beautiful place for her!

May the Lord bless you all, Brad, Julie and Darlene, in Destin!  May He use you for His honour and glory.

Yesterday, my devotions in Our Daily Bread had the title "Traveling Mercies" which I thought was "appropro", but today's title was "Unwanted Guests"!!  Well, I hope they didn't feel like we were THAT!!  



  1. Debbie we loved having you!

  2. You are all welcome any time. We were so happy to have you!💜
