Monday, October 24, 2022

Top of the Rock

After we finished zip-lining, we went back to the condo to have lunch.  The rest of the day we were going to spend at Top of the Rock, but before that, Emeri wanted to pick up a sweater she had seen when they'd gone shopping.  The rest of us opted to get ice-cream!

When we got to Top of the Rock, we were in a L O N G line to get electric carts to go on the nature trail and Lost Canyon Cave.  But I met a new friend!  A Japanese family was in line and I introduced myself in Japanese.  I found out they live only about 40 minutes from us!  We excitedly exchanged name/phone numbers.  I can't wait to be able to introduce her to some of my other Japanese friends back in Kansas!

Photo opp - except Elijah

"For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
 and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit upon your offspring,
and My blessing on your descendants."
Isaiah 44:3

There was a little back-up at the cave.  There is a bar inside where you can get drinks.  We went around them and continued on.

After finishing the nature trail, we took a shuttle to the ancient Ozarks Natural History Museum.  

There was a wedding going on at this cathedral.  Wouldn't this be a beautiful spot for that?!

Inside the museum

I was fascinated with the bead work. 
 I can just imagine in my mind the women working on these.

There were items from the Wild West show in the "olden" days on exhibit.  

Allen's dad's real first name is Elmer, but because he pretended to be Buffalo Bill as a kid, the nickname Bill stuck.  Hardly anyone knew him as Elmer.

We went back outside to watch the sunset.

This next photo was one Elijah took.

Traditional bagpipes and civil war canon are shot at sundown.


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