Saturday, November 5, 2022

A park and a dust storm

Making music

A Charlie Brown kite-eating tree!!

One thing they are doing in Denver is tearing down old houses like these

and building modern ones.

As one who LOVES old architecture, my heart just sinks.  If the houses are a piece of junk and falling apart, that would be ok I guess.  But some of these homes will be a lost part of history!

We went out on the rooftop.

The weekend went too fast!  The next morning we left bright and early.  Made a stop at a local coffee shop.   Here's an old 1880's house that has been repurposed!  The barn beside it has been made into an antique shop.

The drive home was a little wild.  Winds picked up between 30-60 mph.

Lots of tumbleweeds and corn husks flew across the road.
A few scraped up our car.

A dust storm lasted most of the way back home!

About a half hour from home, it began to settle down.

We ran into Wichita that night to visit with Pastor Mihai from Romania.  There is a "storm" in Europe, isn't there.  We are planning to go visit his church next spring and it just so happened that he was in Wichita for this one evening!!  He was talking with a church here and then going to Texas to speak with Romanian immigrants.  God is doing amazing things through their church with the Ukrainian refugees.  Hopefully we will be able to be a little part of it!


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