Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Dwell together in unity

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"              Psalm 133:1  

Another version says "How delightfully good when brothers live together in harmony."  (Of course this means, mankind, both men and women.)  

We used to sing this verse as a chorus.  I looked for it on-line and found quite a few songs with various tunes.  The one I found that was the one I learned was in Hebrew as well as English.  I believe we did this for aerobic dance back in the 80's.

I am so very grateful for the dear friends and family that have enriched my lives.  In this world that is full of hate and fighting (all over the globe!!) I praise the Lord for His gift of friendships.  I just heard a quote this past week from CS Lewis: "Battles are ugly when women fight."  Of course, it is ugly no matter who is fighting!

Our friend and retired pastor spoke on the Sunday after we returned from Colorado.  A good charge on living our lives.

Our small group met and shared pictures of our grandkids!  We missed a few of our group.

I love my little friends in my Awana Cubbies.  There are 12 in my class.   They bring me such joy!

One of them brought me some "flowers"!

I met one of my friends to say "good-bye" for now.  Hopefully we can visit her in Japan someday!
She introduced me to Paris Baguette!

And I had lunch with a couple of my friends in Hutch at a new place too. Koi Ramen.

A friend posted this.  I laughed!  If that is you, consider making friends!

I went to a funeral for a friend who had been so encouraging to me.  It happened so fast and I was sad that a get well card sent to the hospital as soon as I found out she was there was returned as she was no longer there.  She had gone....to heaven, with Jesus!  Didn't get to say "good-bye".  But I'll be able to say "Hello!" one day!!  And she'll say "Debby, you're here!!"

Another joy was that Mindy's family was coming to "dwell" with us for a few days!


Yay!!!  The girls did so well on the 8 hour trip to Kansas!  (Next post!)

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