Monday, April 10, 2023

Unexpected snow

 We arrived at our daughter's house later in the day after our trip to the Milton Underground Railroad House.  

The older girls had to go to work, but at least we were able to see them for just a little!

Claire showed us some of her school projects.

We had checked the weather before we left home and packed accordingly.  Snow was NOT in the forecast.  It was supposed to be 45 degrees on Saturday!  I think it snowed about 15 inches!  We did not bring snowboots!

Saturday morning Adam and the teen girls went to a choir practice.  The high school choir and community choir were practicing together for a concert they would be giving.  We decided to go watch them since we wouldn't be able to be at the concert that would be given at another time.

"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their
appointed rounds."  - spoken by Herodotus about 2500 years ago, in reference to the Persian mounted postal couriers during the war between the Greeks and Persians about 500 BC.  (I had not known that!)

Jill took us to a coffee shop that their friends run.

How cute is this front door?


Appropriate mug as Al's nickname in school was Big Al.

The owners are originally from Romania we found out so we asked them lots of questions about the country as we are planning a trip there!

After warming up with coffee, we drove to the high school.

Snow kept coming down.  So beautiful!

Al cleared a path for Kobi to go out to pee in the yard 
(instead of on the porch)

"Wanna build a snowman?"

After a lunch of chili and cornbread, we watched some old home movies.

Can you guess which girl this is?

This little snuggly was missing for some time and Claire was so very sad.  Sister Sophia to the rescue!  Found under the mattress!

A sister church had a sudden need.  Their worship pastor sub was ill.  Since Adam had someone else preaching for him on Sunday, he and Sophia said they would fill in for the sub!  I loved listening to them practice!

The girls and I went to Target!

Before going to bed, Adam and Claire gave us a fun performance!

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