Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Sunday in Romania

On Sunday morning, we left early for church.  Lavinia needed to help at church.

We attended the Emanuel church in Galati.  (The churches in America helped to build this facility.)

We went to the "green room" where Pastor Mihai met with the audio and worship teams beforehand to go over the morning schedule and also pray.

We were treated to some good Romanian coffee!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"  Matthew 28:19

Our hostess, Lavinia, was a greeter this morning.

Pastor Mihai told us about a connection that he has with Lavinia's mother, Helena.  Her daughter is married to his son.

Mihai holding his grandson, whose mother is Lavinia's sister.

They gave us these audio translators to plug into our ears so we could listen to what was being said in English.

Lavinia and Stephan's engagment was announced!  As well as another couple's.

In America, it was Mother's Day.  However, in Romania, Mother's Day had been on March 8, I was told.  May 14 was Father's Day, but it is less known.  Pastor Mihai wanted to emphasize Father's Day so he asked Adam to preach on it.

Adam greeted the church in Romanian.  He practiced really hard to learn just a few greetings.  He did fine.  The people clapped.  He then introduced his family; our daughter and grandchildren.  I love this picture!

As Adam preached on fathers, Pastor Mihai translated.  It was a powerful sermon.  A father has certain roles.  1) Father's protect.  2) Father's provide  3) Fathers need to be present.  Often earthly fathers fail.  But God, as our heavenly Father, will never fail in this.  He will also instruct us and teach us in the way we should go.

Prayer time.  Everyone prays aloud.

After church was out, Anthoney was greeted by his uncle and aunt.  His grandmother was not up to the trip, as they live a distance away.  He spent the day with them.

Stephan, Lavinia's fiance, translated for Stephanika, who gave Adam a brace for his back.

We walked to a restaurant that Pastor Mihai took us to.  His wife met us there.

They told us what it was like living under communism.  He told us they had to be very careful what they said in a public place.  A spy might overhear something and report you to the government.  Many ended up in prison, like Richard Wurmbrand.

Adam and Allen went to Eugen's home for rest while I went to the mall with the girls.

Those bags remind me of afghans we sewed in the '70s!

Unlike at American Starbucks where they call out your name when your drink is ready, you just wait at the counter for it.  I didn't know that and it seemed like it was taking forever for my name to be called.  I made a comment to the girls about it taking a long time and a young girl at the next table (most young people speak English) told us that here they don't call out your name.  Aha!  I thanked her for letting me know.

We made a mistake going to this outdoor section.  

Pastor Mihai was waiting for us at the Starbucks outdoor section, just a few feet away. That section was full so we had stepped over here.  We were 10 minutes late meeting him.   

We went to get Al and Adam.  Eugen's house is quite modern.

Off to the country to another church.  Because we had been late, Pastor Mihai booked it!!  He was a crazy man driving these roads!!  Ha ha!  About 70mph on these roads!  He didn't want to be late for the church service though.

Moldova in the distance.

We came to a small church where a couple of girls were going to be baptized.

The church was filling up with more people so they moved several up on the stage for lack of chairs.

There was singing.  

We heard 3 sermons.  Not short ones either.  People in America complain about how long church can become.  But when you've lived under communism and you have the freedom to talk about Christ, it doesn't matter!

For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.

The same verse as Helena had posted in the guest room where we stayed.

Adam preached one sermon and Mihai translated.

The pastor spoke with the 2 girls, Esther and Anna Maria, who were going to be baptized.  One of the girls is married to an athiest and her mother is Orthodox and very much against being baptized.  Her grandparents were very influential in her life.  Father, continue to enlarge Your church around the world!

They shared their stories.

"If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

We all went outdoors for the baptism. 

More singing and accordian playing.

And treats!

It was a celebration!

Going back to Galati.

Windmills here too.

The girls went out to eat with Killyn and we went with Pastor Mihai to the mall to eat some supper.

What a good day it had been!  Our Father's Day. 

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