Friday, April 14, 2023

Since coming home

 I am getting ready for our daughter and son-in-law to come to our home.  Jason is going on a work trip so Mindy and the babies are coming here to hang out!  Jason loves our German Mennonite bierrocks so I made those today.

Do you celebrate April Fool's Day?  Our granddaughter fooled us.  She texted on the family chain that our daughter (her mom) had made an appointment to get a tatoo.  I was pretty surprised because Jill is very pain sensitive!  I forgot it was April Fool's Day.  But as a matter of fact, Hannah DID make an appointment for herself to get a tatoo.   After being reminded that it was April Fool's Day, I stuck a black stuffed puppy in the trap that Allen had set out to catch an armidillo that's been digging in our yard.  Here he is, when he got home from work looking into that trap.  We haven't caught an armidillo yet, but have caught 2 possums that he relocated way out in the country and 2 neighbor cats that he released. 

The Thursday before Easter, we went to church in the evening for a service and sing time as we thought about what our Lord suffered.  And why He died for us.

"Christ suffered for our sins once for all time.  He never sinned, but He died for sinners to bring you safely home to God.  He suffered physical death, but He was raised to life in the Spirit."  1 Peter 3:18

On Easter Sunday morning, I went outside to put some seed in the bird feeder and a dead thorn branch grabbed at my skirt.  I needed Allen's help to free me!  It seems rather coincidental that I got snagged by thorns on Easter.  Just thinking about our Lord with that crown of thorns on His head.

These pictures captured my heart Easter morning:

We sat with Shirley at church.  She was a dear friend of my parents and she mentioned that Jim (who passed away last year) is celebrating Easter with my parents!

After church, we drove to Pretty Prairie, the homeplace where Al grew up.  On the way there, we saw a plane in the sky and it looked to us that it was going straight up into the atmosphere!

What an enjoyable time with the siblings!

We went through Al's mother's story.  She had begun filling it out before she was too sick to finish it.  After she passed away, I interviewed 2 aunts to find out if they remembered some of the questions.  Things were much different back in her days of growing up.  

Other things I've been doing....I'm working on a quiet book for my grandbabies.  I'm calling it a busy book though.  I'm making it into a mountain/camping theme since they live in Colorado.

We have had several very blustery days!  You can count on wind in Kansas!  One day the wind whipped up all the dirt from a new construction sight north of us.  Uck!

We need rain badly!!  One day it looked like it might rain.  But it was like empty promises.  We continue to pray.

We had a zoom call with the family as we needed to talk about the upcoming trip to Romania.  

I've had a daily visitor come to my window each morning while I've been having my morning devotions.  Coo-cooo.  I love it!  I have enjoyed the singing of the birds this spring!  All creation praises Him!  Jesus said that if the people didn't praise Him, even the rocks would cry out!

I did a prayer walk at church.  Father, You are mindful of Your people and the burdens of sorrow each one carries.  The adversary wants to push us to despair and hopelessness.  "A discouraged army enters battle with the certainty of defeat."

Went to the Manor to help take the elderly to chapel for hymn sing.  I LOVE singing the old hymns!  Such deep theology in the words! 

Mindy sent a picture of the two precious babies that will be coming soon!!  Can't wait to snuggle and kiss!!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Fun filled Sunday and a drive home

It was a couple short days in Wisconsin.  2 1/2 days.  But so sweet!  This picture was taken a little over 2 weeks ago.  Today, they are experiencing 81 degrees!!!  A hot spell for a few days there.

On the Sunday morning we were there, Hannah was part of the worship team.  How I enjoy seeing my grandchildren using their gifts for Him!

Adam and Sophia helped with worship at another church that needed last minute help.  And since someone else was preaching that morning, Adam was free to jump in and help.  

After church Claire had a make-up ballet class and Allen and I took her so Adam and Jill could have a little date.

In the afternoon, we played games and laughed and laughed!  Telestrations is such a great game!!

We went out for dinner to a Chinese place.

Because a couple of us have brocolli allergies, they chose not to do the cooking at the grill and we were just bummed about it.  We wanted the fire!  Next time, perhaps those of us with allergies need to order from the menu and let the others get that fun experience.

Adam was keeping track of the March Madness game while we were eating and guess what??   I won the Graber Challenge bracket!  I had absolutely no clue about the teams or their ratings.  It was all random.  I will pick up the Graber trophey from my son Josh, who won last year, next time we see them!

Sunday evening, we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids.  They are not too old!  Hannah, a senior in high school, said "I LOVE Easter egg hunts!"  Especially since you can hide them in pretty difficult places and there was some money involved!

Monday morning as the family was getting ready for work/school, we left for Kansas.   There was a little bit of ground fog

Looks like one cow escaped!

When we were going up to Wisconsin, we encountered lots of deer.  Like around 80!!  On the way back to Kansas, we saw LOTS of police!  Luckily we didn't run into deer and we didn't get stopped by any police!

When we got to Kansas, they were burning the Flint Hills (on purpose).

I had Al turn around so I could get a good look at these elk.

The day after we were home, we got this package delivered on our porch.  There was a "toothpick bird" at the Chinese restaurant and the kids knew Papa needed one so they ordered one right away!

My man and his toothpicks

Monday, April 10, 2023

Unexpected snow

 We arrived at our daughter's house later in the day after our trip to the Milton Underground Railroad House.  

The older girls had to go to work, but at least we were able to see them for just a little!

Claire showed us some of her school projects.

We had checked the weather before we left home and packed accordingly.  Snow was NOT in the forecast.  It was supposed to be 45 degrees on Saturday!  I think it snowed about 15 inches!  We did not bring snowboots!

Saturday morning Adam and the teen girls went to a choir practice.  The high school choir and community choir were practicing together for a concert they would be giving.  We decided to go watch them since we wouldn't be able to be at the concert that would be given at another time.

"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their
appointed rounds."  - spoken by Herodotus about 2500 years ago, in reference to the Persian mounted postal couriers during the war between the Greeks and Persians about 500 BC.  (I had not known that!)

Jill took us to a coffee shop that their friends run.

How cute is this front door?


Appropriate mug as Al's nickname in school was Big Al.

The owners are originally from Romania we found out so we asked them lots of questions about the country as we are planning a trip there!

After warming up with coffee, we drove to the high school.

Snow kept coming down.  So beautiful!

Al cleared a path for Kobi to go out to pee in the yard 
(instead of on the porch)

"Wanna build a snowman?"

After a lunch of chili and cornbread, we watched some old home movies.

Can you guess which girl this is?

This little snuggly was missing for some time and Claire was so very sad.  Sister Sophia to the rescue!  Found under the mattress!

A sister church had a sudden need.  Their worship pastor sub was ill.  Since Adam had someone else preaching for him on Sunday, he and Sophia said they would fill in for the sub!  I loved listening to them practice!

The girls and I went to Target!

Before going to bed, Adam and Claire gave us a fun performance!