Friday, January 19, 2024

Hold fast

After the rest of the family went back to their homes, Mindy and the babies stayed for a few more days while Jason was in Mexico.

We did some baking.

Pretend baking with playdough too.

Mindy thought we were seriously making strawberry filled muffins and later was looking all over for them.  She was truly disappointed when she found out we just pretended.  That prompted this Mama to make those real strawberry filled muffins for her.  Raspberry filled ones too.  Mindy says it brings back good memories of growing up.

Some of the time, Tenley was running a fever.  Still recovering from a burst eardrum, ear infection and upper respiratory infection.  

When the girls are crying or upset, I love it when Mindy says to them, 
"Shhhh.  I'm right here, my love."  
I believe that is what God is like.  
When we are upset, we can rest in His nearness. 
 "Shhhh.  I'm right here, My love."  

He is our constant companion.  He holds us close to His heart.  He will hold us fast.

"Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]."  Isaiah 41:10 Amplified version

* * * * *

There was lots of reading going on.  These girlies love reading!

Animal books are their favorites.  Of course, playing with animals is fun too.  I bought this farm set for our son's first Christmas so it is 45 years old.

They love this tee-pee.  So did their mommy and Uncle Josh and Aunt Jill when they were little.  This has had to be repaired a time or two.  I also sewed a few of them for craft fairs back in the day.

Kaia is SOOOO close to walking.
We tried to encourage her, but she'd smile, and drop to the floor.
She prefers crawling right now.

This is a fun toy for them.

It was so cold when they were here.
Look at the hoarfrost on the trees.

But one afternoon, it was finally warm enough to play outside at the new park in the neighborhood.

Tenley is not afraid at all.  She will be a mountain climber like her parents!  Here is a photo Mindy sent me once.  Can she only be 2 1/2?

Kaia is not afraid to climb high either.

A tunnel to explore.

Kaia made it half way.

Couldn't be coaxed further.

Rescued by Mommy!

Jason made it back from Mexico and they left a day early because a snow storm was expected.  That night I had a dream that we had moved to a BIG house.  When Mindy and Jason were getting ready to say good-bye, the house was so HUGE they had to use Life360 to find us!

Bye-bye sweethearts, until next time!

And sure enough it did snow the next day, so good thing they left when they did!
I-70 is often closed due to snow!

1 comment:

  1. Debby, thank you for the precious time with you and your sweet babies. Loved every picture.♥️♥️♥️♥️
