Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Fires; it is well

 It is always a sad day when it is time to leave.  Good-bye, my delightful daughter.

Good-bye, sweet Claire!  We had said our good-byes to Sophia the night before as we were going to leave before she was going to get out of bed!

There have been times in the past that we have left by 5am, but it always makes Claire sad if she can't say good-bye in person, so now we wait a little longer.  But not too long - it is a good 12 hours home!

It was a foggy morning.

The sky cleared by the time we got to Madison.  Good thing our brakes were working.  We nearly ran into Bucky!  Traffic was a thing that morning.

We hit high winds in Iowa, Missouri and Kansas.  Lots of dust and debri in the air.

I read that there were massive fires in the panhandle of Texas.  

I read this morning that over 1 million acres have burned now!  Bigger than the state of Delaware.  One of the largest in US history.

We had an incredible sunset as drove home.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way

When sorrows like sea billows roll,

Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say

It is well, it is well with my soul

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