Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Corn fields; Lewis and Clark

While I am seeing a lot of posts of friends at the beaches in Mexico or the Gulf and others sightseeing Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland... this year I am sightseeing cornfields in Iowa.  

Not complaining, because last week I was going to see my kids!  Corn fields are between them and us!  I went to pick up my daughter and granddaughter to bring back to Kansas with me!  

On the way north, I first made a stop in Hillsboro to lend a book to my friend.  This book is so encouraging; based on God's promise of Romans 8:28.  Robert Morgan is one of my favorite authors!  I love my friends and I felt so encouraged after spending time with her.  "Encourage one another daily." Hebrews 3:13

After a half hour visit, I continued on.  

I like to pull over whenever I can to read historical markers.

I took 77 up to Junction City and hopped onto I-70 to Topeka, then veered north on Highway 75 into Nebraska.

It became a 2-lane road and unfortunately there was lots of traffic and because of rolling hills, not many places to pass.  We had to stop for a train.

Lots of farming vehicles.  I wasn't in a hurry so that's fine.

I enjoy going through little towns.

In Nebraska City, I saw a sign for the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Trail and Visitors Center.  It is on the Mississippi River and I had to make a stop to see it!  I never know what I will come up upon and love these little surprise stops.

"Pointing the Way" - the name of this sculpture reminds me that God Himself points us the Way in which to go.

Psalm 25:4,5
"Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow.  Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in You."

This is the replica of the actual boat that Lewis and Clark used to explore the Mississippi.

Where they spent the winter.

There was also a trail you could go on but I needed to keep going as I wanted to get to Pella, Iowa for the night.

Crossing the mighty Mississippi.  I still remember as a kid being so proud to spell that word! M I S S I S S I P P I!

Continuing on...  I went up 29 in Iowa to highway 34.  I went east on it.

Another historical marker!  If you are in the habit of zipping on by these, 
I recommend stopping and learning some history!

I took 34 all the way to Clariton then went northeast on 14.  Maps sometimes took me on roads unknown.

Like I said, sightseeing the corn fields of Iowa.

My goal was to get to Pella before dark.  My eyesight isn't good after dark.  With only 1 eye that works, depth perception is a problem, especially when it's dark.

Pella, Iowa!

And guess what - corn fields out my hotel window.

I enjoyed the swim in the pool and the hot tub after the long day of driving.

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