Monday, March 30, 2009

Trip to Arkansas

Here is a picture of our Thursday morning Bible study. Sarah Weber and I help lead the "not so" Young Marrieds small group leader wives. We are studying Beth Moore's study of the book of Daniel. Quite challenging right now but we plug on. We love to eat breakfast together, chat, encourage one another and of course, pray for each other and for the community life groups they are in.

We are at the point in Daniel, where we are talking prophecy. Of course there is much debate about the interpretation. Scholars disagree. But really, it is not for us to understand it completely. He is God, not us. We must trust Him and believe that He has His purposes and they will be fulfilled. Who among us can truly understand precisely what God is doing or why. But He is in control and if we know Him, we know all we need to know.

On Friday morning, Al and I packed up our bags and headed out for Fayetteville, Arkansas to see our son and his family. The storm was nipping at our heels as we left. You can see the ice beginning to form on our car. Luckily we stayed pretty much ahead of the storm and by the time we returned on Sunday evening, most of the snow was melted.

When we got to Josh and Staci's, Al helped Josh with his to-do list. Josh was tiling his laundry room so Al watched and learned how to do that for when we tackle our basement bathroom.

The door wasn't closing correctly so they worked on that and also put in blinds in Josh's art room.

Emeri likes to make "happy face"s. She wants us to make them with her food on her tray. That's ok if it is Cheerios, but when it is baby food green beans or yogurt....

Staci felt pretty sick while we were there. She might have mono, but it could be some other virus too. She works part-time as a pediatric nurse practicioner so is high risk for any junk all the little kiddos bring in to the office. So we let her rest and we fixed food, did laundry, watched Emeri, etc. Get well soon Staci!!

We love playing with Emeri! Emeri's name, by the way, is from using Al's mom's middle name, (Kathern Marie), Staci's middle name (Staci Marie) and her mother's too (Lisa Marie). But they decided not to go with Marie but a variation of it. Emeri's middle name is Kate so her name is like Al's mom's name backwards. She would have loved it and felt so honored. She died of cancer when Josh was about 10 years old.

Josh is the worship pastor at New Heights Fellowship. They meet at the Boys and Girls Club and are planning on building a facility at some point. Josh used to be one of the worship guys at Fellowship Bible but many people, including Josh, are now here. This is sort of a plant of that church. Doug Stucky's brother and family attend here (for those of you from Grace who know them).
It was good to get away for awhile. Lots of catch up to do - laundry, clean house, Bible study, nursery work for next Sunday, blogging, playing with Sophia and Hannah... Wish Emeri was closer!


  1. Glad you guys made it back safely. I'm also glad you were able to get there ahead of the storm. And thanks again to you and Sarah for leading our group -- even when we don't all understand. It is truly a good thing that God is in control.

  2. hey, we're "young"!! looks like you guys had a great time! so glad you got to spend some time with your kids and sweet Emeri!

  3. Looks like a great trip!

    And you missed all the snow here, but to be honest, I'd be okay with that, myself. Not a fan of cold.
