Thursday, May 14, 2009

A day at the zoo

It was a beautiful, nice cool day to go to the zoo - except it was the craziest, fullest day I have ever, ever seen! I wonder how many hundreds of people were there!! Schools are taking field trips as are day care centers and even retirement centers. Newton schools were there. Iola schools were there. People, people every where!! Our Thursday morning small group leaders (wives) and kiddos went to the zoo too. Unfortunately, Sophia had a fever so Jill could not come. I brought Hannah with me. Sarah was the only one that I saw who brought along sun screen lotion. I didn't even think about it! Bad Nana.
The kids were all ready to go!

Rachel Beverlin and her children are staying with Sarah while Matt finishes up school so she came along with the kids. It was fun to have them along!

Hannah's favorite animal (well, technically, a bird)
is the flamingo.

The giraffes were up close.

This one is a little too close - she has learned how to
navigate it down into the trench where they are
not supposed to be!
We ran into people we know.
Anbeth and Dante.
Hannah's friends, Payton and Rauley.
Hannah and Rauley plan to be married
someday they say.
If a zoo keeper had seen this, we would have been in trouble.

Ran into Lori Guggisberg
and baby Riley

The elephants were giving a show.

A popcorn break.

On the way home, some of us stopped
at the Park City McDonald's for lunch.

Do you know that the hamburger off the $1 menu is cheaper
than the regular hamburger?
And the regular hamburger doesn't have
lettuce, tomatoe etc.
Look at the Iced Mocha. Yum!
The kids enjoyed the playground after eating.

Rauley and Payton showed up at McDonalds too!
It was a fun day.


  1. It was a FUN Day! I'm so glad we all went. Did you know that Luke did not even fall asleep on the way home? However, I think if I'd have driven even 10 more minutes, he would have. Once we got home, I took him straight in to his room, and he fell asleep. He didn't get up until 4:15. Then, we had swimming lessons this evening. So, that little 9 1/2 month old guy had one big day.
