Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Jill had a piano recital for her students last evening and Adam had a meeting at church, so we watched the girls. We have this hammock swing under our deck (we got it in San Diego) and we love it!
We have also put in a little swing that the girls love to swing in.

"Rice! Rice!" (Actually safflower seeds)
"No, Sophie. Those are seeds"
"Seez! Seez!"

What is under this stepping stone?

Hannah likes to talk to herself and pretends a lot.
When the girls came over, I was sweeping up the grass after mowing.
Hannah asked if she could help.
I got some brooms for the girls to work.

Soon I heard her talking to herself,
"My Nana always makes me clean up after her."

She cracks me up!

After playing outside, a bath is a necessity.
They like lots of bubbles!
I heard Hannah say,
"My dreams have come true!

And here is silly Sophie.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Look what I found in my yard this morning!

My parents wanted to get a patio set at Target today.
Jill and the girls met us there.
After shopping, it was close to lunch time.
So off to Cheddars we went!
When I opened my purse, I found this fork.
What in tarnation?
Is anyone missing a fork?
We were at Olive Garden on Sunday night.
Does this look like one of their forks?
How in the world did it end up in my purse?

Adam happened to be coming to Wichita to his 2nd office.
He studies best at Starbucks.
Too many distractions at the church office.
So he joined us at Cheddars.

Here is the patio set my parents got.

This evening, Al and I were sitting out on our deck.
Look who we saw.
Here is our dear friend, Andrea Siebert.
We see her pretty frequently out
taking pictures in our neighborhood.
Looks like she's taking engagment photos today.
Sometimes it is graduation pictures.
You can look at her site -

Thinking of Rich Dewey today. He had surgery
and had a kidney and mass removed.
Also thinking of someone considering Christ!
And a couple people diagnosed with cancer today.
And loss of job.
Christ was a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering.
Isaiah 53:3
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
He delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:17,18
You have made known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures in Your right hand.
Psalm 16:11


  1. i wondered if you would see us! hehe. i didn't see you on your porch otherwise i would have waved! i was taking my sister in law and her fiance's engagement pics. look for me on Thursday because i'll be taking more engagement pics around 6:30! thanks for advertising me!

  2. Oh my word, I have to know where Jill got that Elmo shirt for Sophie! Ella LOVES Elmo and walks around saying Elmo all day! Adorable! I will try to remember to ask her tomorrow @ Bible Study

  3. The Elmo shirt is at Target. Isn't it just adorable??

  4. Debby: I love reading your blog. It's so "you," which is wonderful, sweet, and Godly. Hannah reminds me of Alana, who talks all the time--we never have to guess what she's thinking. She's 4 going on 12. Yesterday she was determined to swim, even tho' Dean & Amy hadn't set up and filled the pool. She would have froze. She was hopeful, however, playing on the swings and in the sandbox with her swimsuit on.
