Sunday, May 31, 2009


Today a yellow-billed cuckoo flew into our picture window on our back deck. (I spared sharing a photo of the dead bird and found one on-line instead.) I am so sad. I'm sure he broke his neck. I have these sticky leaves that I have put on my window that I purchased from the Wild Bird store in Wichita. They are supposed to keep the birds from flying into windows. I believe it has cut down on how many do. But sometimes it still happens. When it is such a beautiful bird as this one, I just cringe. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to prevent this?


  1. I don't know how to prevent that. We have had the same thing happen with our front window. It is very sad. Then, last night, we found a dead bird in our driveway. We think maybe our dog got that one. Sorry I don't have any advice. But, if you get any, please share. We have the same issue at our home sometimes.

  2. At my parents house, they put up screens, which dull the reflection that attracts the birds in the first place.

    At our house, we put a bird feeder in the middle of our yard, so they're more attracted to that than the windows (as are the squirrels, but that's ok)and we also have plants that break up the window area, we haven't had one kamikaze bird.

  3. I wouldn't want to put up a screen on my window. I have a great view! I do have some plants on the porch but not directly in front of the window. And I've got feeders all over the yard. Thanks for your ideas. I will need to continue to mull on it.

  4. Does this give new meaning to the expression, "going cuckoo"??? Sorry, bad joke, but couldn't resist.

  5. Debby: Chisholm Trail Country Store or Orschelns might have a plastic owl or hawk that you can set under, or near, the window and the birds might stay away. I don't know if it would scare them away from the feeders--just have to try it. If you could find a silouhette (sorry-- chinese spelling :) of a hawk or owl to put in the window, that might help. Didn't know we had Cuckoos in the area.
