Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!

It's my mother's birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Here is my mother when she was a baby.

Mom grew up in Pandora, Ohio.

My mom was a missionary in Japan for about 30 years.

She had to send us to boarding school when we were only 6 years old. That had to be hard!
(on the other hand, remembering what kind of kids we were, maybe not!!...ha!)

We had a Christian kindergarten for Japanese kids by our home.
It was run by our missions.
Dad was the "encho-sensei", or director.
Mom helped to teach the children English.
She would help the teachers too.

She also taught Japanese women how to cook American foods

and taught them English lessons.

And about Jesus.

Mom loves Japan! She loves the Japanese people.

Mom is a classy lady.

She is also quite a prankster.

Loves to pull jokes on people.

She loves a good laugh!

She's a great mom, grandma and great-grandmother.

Love you, Mom!!

1 comment:

  1. Neat tribute to your mom. Enjoyed hearing about your experiences growing up "Japanese"
