Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hog Wild!

On Sunday, we showed our Sunday School teachers and helpers our thanks by catering Hog Wild for them and for their families for lunch.

Our workers are incredible!! I think about the nursery crew (I'm the Nursery Director) - I have 43 people who serve regularly in the nursery (83 infants to young threes). That is excluding those rotating volunteers who serve once a quarter during 1st service. During 2nd and 3rd service, these workers serve every week or every other week. There are check-in people, teachers (some teach weekly, others co-teach), and LOTS of helpers, someone who cleans the toys and sheets, and one who does the scheduling and calling. These people are so great with the children! They love on them, bounce the babies, feed them, change diapers, greet them with smiles and comfort those who are crying. They take them for walks in the strollers, play outside or in the gym (can't wait for that new playground - Cora's Playground coming soon!, do playdough, bubbles and of course, most importantly teach the children about our Lord Jesus!! Thank you workers!!!

"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thess. 1:2,3


  1. we were so disappointed we missed it last Sunday! Collin LOVES Hog Wild! :)

  2. We are SOOOOOO thankful for the nursery volunteers. We've always known the nursery was important, but now, as parents of an infant, we really appreciate and love the volunteers and the wonderful nursery you all provide. We know Luke is safe and loved, and he is hearing about Jesus -- even at a very young age. We don't worry about him when he's in there. We can worship, listen to the sermon, go to Sunday School, etc., knowing that Luke is in the awesome nusery. Thanks again for all you do, Debby, and thanks for all of your volunteers. The "Hog Wild" was much deserved!!!!!!
