Saturday, July 11, 2009


Just got back from Arkansas. My son, Josh is a worship pastor at New Heights Fellowship in Fayetteville. Staci is pregnant and so tired. So I went to help out a little. Let Staci sleep in, take care of Emeri and fix dinners.

Staci, Emeri and I went to Walmart. Boy, the Walmarts in Arkansas are really nice! Very good produce, wide aisles, etc. She tells me there is one Walmart, I think in Bentonville that has all wood flooring. We went to a neighbor's house to go swimming. The neighbor's dog, Gracie enjoys the pool too.

Josh is an artist and they have art supplies for Emeri in Josh's art room. Emeri even does the "mouth" thing when she concentrates, just like Josh did when he was little. Did I say "did"? I think he still "does"!

She definitely needed a bath after this one.

Back home in Kansas.

It is hot here!!!!!!!

The girls helped me water my plants.

Hannah made her own slippy-slide on our driveway.

She disappeared in the garage.
"Hannah, where are you?"
She came out laughing -

and totally naked!!

I shrieked and sent her back to get dressed.
Told her it isn't appropriate to go naked in public.
I about died laughing though.
* ******** *
This morning I was reading Philippians 4:6,7 in another version. I've been feeling pretty tense and worried. July and August are killer months for me as I prepare the nursery at church for August and the fall. So many needs. 138 workers just for August when all the regulars take a break. Then having to staff all the rooms with regular workers seems monumental and impossible. Four (and maybe 5) rooms of little kids infant through 2, with 3-5 workers in each room during the 9:30 and 11:00 services (8:00 is rotation workers). I love Christ's words "Feed My lambs". So many lambs!! There are 106 on the roster (some don't come regular though).
Here are the verses:
"Don't worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks (that is not too easy!). And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens..."
Faith puts God between itself and its circumstances.
"In the Lord I take refuge" Psalm 11:1

1 comment:

  1. What great verses! That is hard for us to remember sometimes.

    Looks like a fun trip to Arkansas! She's an adorable pregnant lady. :)
