Friday, July 31, 2009

Catching my breath!

It has been such a busy time! But tonight I am able to catch my breath. I have put my "to do" projects into various piles and made lists of what needs to be done.

One thing I am working on is the schedule for the church nursery in August. We let all our regulars take a break in August and Labor Day weekend and fill these positions with volunteers. The first two weeks look good. Lots of people have volunteered!

Some of our weekly workers will be coming back to help with the babies, toddlers and little children in the fall. Some are taking on other positions in the church or taking a year off. So I am looking for Sunday School and nursery workers for the fall too. It is a huge undertaking. One thing I have found out was that I should not get all uptight about it (which is what I tend to do) because God is faithful. He promises to meet all our needs and this is a definite need. Telling the next generation the "praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done!" Psalm 78:4

Today I went to church and they have begun to unpack the equipment for Cora's playground!! It is so nice! They are hoping to begin putting it into the ground on Monday. Below is the home/rescue piece. Another project I am working on is to have a party for my mom and dad's 60th wedding anniversary. We will be celebrating with a come and go on August 16 at Kidron. Mom and Dad were missionaries in Japan for 30 years. Dad pastored the First Mennonite Church in Pretty Prairie and also was an interim pastor at 7 churches in Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Indiana. I've been going through photos, writing the article for various papers, ordering the cakes, etc. I have had so much fun going through pictures and I just had to post some random pictures I found.

My parents on their wedding day, August 5, 1949.
This is my mother and her sister, Treva.
Treva was a missionary in Mali, Africa.
She passed away a couple of years ago.

Take a good look at the picture below.
I wish I could blow it up bigger for you but I don't know how to do that on this blog.
If you look closely at the first 2 rows, these are not black children.
I wonder what they used to paint their skin?
My mom's school was putting on a play.
Mom is in the back row, on the left.
Here is a picture of mom and dad at language school in Kobe, Japan.

Our family. 1960.

I love this picture!
It is my mother's mom.
You would never find me in a mix of chickens like this!
It would terrify me!
This is my grandmother's family.
Grandma is the one of the left.

My great-grandparents (Hoffstetter)
Thought you might enjoy these shots too.


  1. Hi Debby!

    Thanks for your prayers!!!

    Your photos are fab! I'm sure your parents will appreciate all you are doing for them. I know first-hand how these party projects take on a life of their own! Enjoy the process!

    Hoping to see you soon!

    Rich and Carolyn

  2. Debbie, The pic of your grandmother with the chickens brought back memories. As a little girl, I used to feed the chickens with my grandmother just like that. I loved it. Though I was a little too enthusiastic with tossing the corn for the chickens to like as well.

  3. Oh wow! Those are so cool!

    What a great legacy.

  4. Loved the pictures. We fed the chickens too. It could be a dirty job, especially going barefoot!
    When the reader clicks on your pictures they pop up enlarged. Try it. It's neat.
