Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This past week I drove to Arkansas. I had planned to help Josh and Staci get the baby's room all ready. Well, we ended up deciding to wait to paint the room. I actually like the chocolate color - it matches with the bedding. We thought we'd see what it looked like all put together. So we began to put the bed together, but the borrowed crib didn't work out (missing pieces) so they ended up ordering one. It will come next week. So we didn't accomplish much there.
But I did get to go to a lovely shower hosted by Staci's friends!

The outfit Staci wore matched the icing on the cake!

I had fun playing with Emeri!

Emeri loves to read books. We read tons of them!
I took along a craft/story for us to do on the Shepherd and the lost lamb.
It was fun to do with her!
I'm soooo glad that our Shepherd seeks us. His love overwhelms me!

On Sunday, I went to New Heights Fellowship. Josh led worship. It makes a mom feel so grateful to see their child serving the Lord! I have prayed for each of my children to follow Christ and use the gifts He has given them for His honor. That morning they had the student ministries pastor from Fellowship speak. Instead of a "normal" sermon, he gave a monologue about a young business guy who's into himself. He dies. And this is a story about what happens after he dies. It was riveting! captivating and convicting! If you can, you should listen to it!! Listen here. Scroll down to 6/7/08 to Matt Newman, The Bema Seat Monologue. You could even down load it and listen to it on your commute.

Looking forward to a return to Arkansas soon!
Baby Elijah will arrive shortly!
Even if the baby room is not all in order!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are back from a wonderful trip. I bet they are missing you today!

    Staci looks wonderful - and very darling in her cake-matching outfit!

    See you soon!
