Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gotcha Day!

It was 25 years ago that Mindy joined our family. She arrived in Kansas city very late at night. The airport was practically closed. No other planes or passengers. Only we 4 families waiting for our kids to arrive.
The first person off the plane happened to be no other than Art Linkletter who did the show "Kids Say the Darndest Things"! That was the best show!! Children can be so funny! (Like - last week Hannah told me she was nocturnal!) Incidentally, he was abandoned as an infant and raised by a preacher.
Josh and Jill were so proud to be a big brother and sister!

Our family.

Mindy is such a wonderful Aunt!

She is so good with them!

She is so compassionate and considerate.

The funny thing is, it doesn't bother her to be in surgeries and see brains and insides of people, but she can't stand to see any little animal that is injured.

Mindy has a tender heart.

She has a wonderful eye for decorating!

She is really smart and pulling A's in nursing school.

She can sit down at the piano and begin playing Classical pieces that she memorized years ago. Doesn't even need sheet music.

Love to see her laugh!

Competetive. You don't want to play the game of "Life" with her. You can't beat her.

Her school teachers would tell us that Mindy was "determined". I think they were trying to nicely say that she was strong-willed! And really, that can be a good thing sometimes too! It has helped her in life!

We love you, sweet beautiful daughter! So glad we "Gotcha!"


  1. wow! Jill looks just like Sophie in those pictures!

  2. This whole post made me cry. So beautiful!

  3. We love you Mindy! So glad God blessed our family with you!

  4. What a lovely tribute to Mindiy. God has blessed you for having her and He has blessed Mindy for having YOU as Mom and Dad and siblings. Blessings upon all of you - and congratulations!

  5. (my computer is being repaired and *someone* forgot to back up my "favorite" list before we sent it, so i didn't see this until i stumbled on it through a series of click throughs... or i would have surely commented before now!)

    happy gotcha day, mindy! 25 years... wow! god is awesome!

    thanks for sharing the story. it makes me realize that they don't stay little forever - but the memories of joy are just as fresh many years down the road...
