Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Christmas was different this year. We didn't open presents. Our son and his family won't be coming until next week, so we will wait for that. But we wanted to do something to celebrate Christ's birth. So we invited Jill's family, my parents and also this family who recently moved from Minnesota over for dinner.
This is the Tracy family. Didn't have a place to go for the day. New to town. Adam and Jill had recently met them at church so they invited them to come over. Jason is working with Central Care Cancer. Sarah is a nurse, but at home now with the kids. Sweet children - Ella, Owen and Sam.
They brought over some fruit shaped shakers and guitar and we had fun singing carols together. Hannah, Ella, Owen and Sophie played and played in our basement. Once when it got quite, Jason went to check on them. They were just getting ready to jump from the bed and swing on the ceiling fan! Luckily Jason saved the day - and our fan, and probably the kids from serious injury.
Joy to the World - the Lord is come!
And what if He had not come? No Christmas stockings, no Christmas tree, no churches, no Christ to comfort or to save us.
Rejoicing in Christ, in His birth, His resurrection, His indwelling of the Spirit! His gift of Eternal life!

1 comment:

  1. i have also met Sarah & her kids at the library. a sweet lady!
