Saturday, July 25, 2009

M&M (Makenzie & Moving)

Yesterday morning, I watched Makenzie Jordan. Julie Friesen asked me last week if I would want to do that. She had noticed that Lori's feet were swollen (with her pregnancy), so she wanted to treat her to a pedicure. So, could I watch Makenzie so she could take her out? Is that not so sweet?? Julie Friesen is such a thoughtful and caring woman! I think the world of her!!! Loves the Lord and shows it. Makenzie and I had a wonderful time. We played babies in our little "house" in the basement, played with Legos, marbles, playdough....
I found out that Jill was at the yellow park (what Hannah calls the park at Quail Creek since the slides there are yellow) so we went to the park to play with Hannah and Sophia. Makenzie was excited to go!

Adam's sister, Stacy is spending a few days with them. Hannah and Sophia have 2 Aunt Staci's so they affectionately call Adam's sister "Silly Stacy" because she is so fun and silly.
This was the first time I have seen Sophie on a big kid swing. She wanted "up high". It scared me to push her but Adam said it was no problem. The higher she got, the more she laughed and laughed. Frightened me to pieces! I was so scared she'd fall out.

Makenzie wanted Hannah to push her. She loved that!
Isn't she so cute with her sunglasses?

This morning we went to Wichita. We were moving Mindy. With her going to clinicals this coming year, she won't be able to work as many hours so she needed to find a less expensive place to live.

A friend from church and a couple of nursing school buddies came to help out.
Thankful for great friends!
Mindy's place was on the 3rd floor so we really appreciated them!
Her new apartment is on ground level.
It will make it easier for the next move.

On the way to her new apartment, a drawer fell out of her nightstand. We weren't sure if that was what had happened or if we had misplaced it. But we searched and searched. I drove the route we had taken and even looked in 4 or 5 dumpsters just in case. Her iPOD, a couple of remotes, her Bible and devotional books, diary and her glasses were all in that drawer. I was praying that it would be either found someplace in the apartment or that if it did fall out of the pick-up that it would be some kind person with integrity that would find it and return it. When we were all done moving and on our way to Jason's Deli for lunch, Mindy got a call from an older woman. She had been out for her morning walk and saw the drawer fall out of the pick-up. She gathered it all up. The drawer was slightly damaged and one thing was broken, but in all, it was intact. What an answer to prayer! Mindy happened to have some financial paper from the school in that drawer and it just happened to have her phone number on it. We were so grateful for this woman to be honest and return it all!

We spent part of the afternoon hanging up pictures, putting the tv on the wall, making the bed, getting the kitties used to their new home. Xander enjoyed the adventure but Kellin ran under the bed. He is definitely a scarety cat.
Thank you, Dave Balzer, for the use of your trailer! Good luck Mindy in your new home!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Anniversary!

Today is our 34th wedding anniversary! A long time - yet it doesn't seem so long at all. In church yesterday, Pastor Steve announced that Eldo and Lola Anderson were celebrating their 76th wedding anniversary. That is more than double the years we have been married!

Here is a current picture of us
(with our granddaughter Sophia).

I promised pictures from the 70's.

Here is a picture of my "hotty" back in 1972.

You can see why all the girls fell for him.

Why I fell for him.

I got him!

Can't believe it.

Our family came to America in 1971.

Allen's grandmother was a dear neighbor lady
who became a friend to me.

She encouraged Al to take me to youth group.

He did.

He took me to the State Fair for our first date.
I was lucky because he asked another girl, but she turned him down.

We had so much fun on our date.

By our 3rd date we just knew we were meant to be.

We got married in 1975.

I had just turned 20.

He was still 19.

I love you sweety!!

You are so caring and unselfish.

So gentle and kind.

So thoughtful.

Such a man of God.

A WONDERFUL father to our children!

And such a playful grandpa!

I'd marry you all over again.