Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Anniversary!

Today is our 34th wedding anniversary! A long time - yet it doesn't seem so long at all. In church yesterday, Pastor Steve announced that Eldo and Lola Anderson were celebrating their 76th wedding anniversary. That is more than double the years we have been married!

Here is a current picture of us
(with our granddaughter Sophia).

I promised pictures from the 70's.

Here is a picture of my "hotty" back in 1972.

You can see why all the girls fell for him.

Why I fell for him.

I got him!

Can't believe it.

Our family came to America in 1971.

Allen's grandmother was a dear neighbor lady
who became a friend to me.

She encouraged Al to take me to youth group.

He did.

He took me to the State Fair for our first date.
I was lucky because he asked another girl, but she turned him down.

We had so much fun on our date.

By our 3rd date we just knew we were meant to be.

We got married in 1975.

I had just turned 20.

He was still 19.

I love you sweety!!

You are so caring and unselfish.

So gentle and kind.

So thoughtful.

Such a man of God.

A WONDERFUL father to our children!

And such a playful grandpa!

I'd marry you all over again.


  1. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet blog the pictures!!! :)

  2. What great photos!!!!! Happy Anniversary to you both. I meant to tell you that in the nursery yesterday, but I forgot amongst all of the people. Hope you have a fun day.

  3. Happy Anniversary!!! That last picture of you and Allen...looks like Jill from the side!

  4. Those are beautiful, Debby!

    Happy anniversary to you guys. :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! Yes, the last picture looks like Jill!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!

    Loved the photos, especially your gown and the blue tux. Very 1970's! (To those of us who remember!!)

  7. You're dress was beautiful. Do you still have it? I agree that you look like Jill, or she looks like you. Thanks for that look into your past.
