Friday, February 19, 2010

Day in Wichita

I went to Wichita one of my favorite spots -
this super comfortable massage chair!
AH! Wonderful!
I am not too keen on having my back cracked, but I love this chair following that procedure with the chiropractor!
Also went to see this guy for a suspicious mole that was changing shape. Luckily it ended up nothing to worry about and the doctor said it would eventually fall off. Another mole that is checked yearly hasn't changed either so that is good. When we were kids, we'd spend all day at the beach without suntan lotion. I don't think we knew back in those days that the sun rays were so dangerous. We'd get burned crisp - a lot. Then my brothers and I would see who could peel the largest piece of skin off eachother. Gross huh?
Before those appointments, I went to visit my friend, Debbie Fry.
Here are her kitties. They recently got Tiger Lily (the gray one) and she was a 'fraidy cat. One day Debbie spent the whole day trying to find her. She was just lost. Ended up she was behind the coffee maker. Last time I was there, she was hiding behind the washing machine. But now she feels at home.

Debbie and I went to the Olive Garden. She didn't feel real good but wanted to go out anyway. Today she was to begin her 3rd round of chemo and then she really wouldn't feel good for awhile. On the drive there we saw our first garage sale sign. First sign of spring!! We love to garage sale together. I hope you will feel up to doing that again soon, Debbie!! (She has 3 more rounds of chemo coming up. I know she'd appreciate your prayers!!)

We shared this chicken alfredo pizza. Oh my goodness! It was so delicious!!

We sure had a fun time - lots of laughter. Debbie, I am praying for you and that you will know God's very presence, His strong arms of comfort during this time. His grace sufficient for each test.
"God is my refuge and strength,'
an ever present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
though the earth give way and the
mountains fall into the heart of the sea...
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
from Psalm 46

Although the path be all unknown?
Although the way be drear?
Its shades I travel not alone
When steps of Yours are near.

"Surely I am with you always." Matthew 28:20


  1. I was going to send you an e-mail about your dermatology appt. I'm really glad to hear it went O.K.

  2. I remember that it really wasn't summer until you had had that first bad burn. Skin cancer is probably my primary cancer risk. So far, so good.

    So glad you are such a friend for Debbie during this tough time for her.
