Thursday, March 18, 2010

29 years ago

29 years ago Jill Katrina joined the family. She was born early in the morning at our apartment in Wichita. Grandma Graber (Kathern) was there along with the 2 midwives and a friend. The weather was nasty - a tornado followed by snow. My parents were in Japan. When we called them, we played back via tape recorder (no video cams or skypes back then) Jill's first cry. My parents cried.

After she was born, we woke Josh up to introduce him to his new baby sister. She "gave" him a toy car and he thought she was ok!

See that doll beside Jill? His name was Adam! And now she sleeps with an Adam every night! We bought this doll at a garage sale to teach Josh about potty training (it had a hole in the bottom).

Fishing at the creek behind the farm house.

I think this is Jill around the 4th grade

After Jill graduated from highschool, she attended Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago where she lost her heart to Adam.

They married and lived in Green Bay, Wisconsin for 4 years.

But then they moved here!

Jill, you are so fun to be with!

A wonderful mommy

married to a super daddy.

Your godly wisdom and love for Christ amaze me.
So glad and proud that I am your mother! and the grandmother to your children.

Happy Birthday, Jill!

1 comment:

  1. O.K., so now I'm laughing hysterically at the doll named "Adam." That really is pretty ironic.
