Sunday, July 11, 2010


Seen out my front door. Wow! Just glad we aren't under that cloud though.


Tomorrow we start Vacation Bible School. I'm going to be teaching the 3-year-olds and am so excited about it. Bible school is for kindergarten through 6th grade, but we do have nursery for the children of workers. While our kids were in Wisconsin for 10 days, I spent my time preparing for VBS. Lots of crafts to prepare, stories, decorations. I am so happy to have my granddaughter, Sophia in my class as they came back late last night! And Hannah is right next door with Miss Joan, who was her pre-school helper last year. Excited to see how God will work in children's lives and also in all of us who are working too this next week.

1 comment:

  1. What a CUTE little cowboy they made this morning!! We are SO glad that you are Ollie's teacher. He'll have such a good week. I just hope you survive! :)
