Friday, August 6, 2010

Pretty Prairie carnaval

While we were watching the kids last weekend, we went out to Pretty Prairie to a carnival. The churches got together to put this on as a kick-off for their combined VBS.

We first stopped at the Prairie Sunset Home to see Al's Dad. We took along a photo album. Unfortunately, it was not a good day for his Dad. I don't think he knew who we were. The only response at all was when Al asked his Dad if he remembered something in the album. He shook his head. Other than that, no response from him. It is real sad to see him like this.

After saying goodbye to Dad, we left to go to the carnival with Al's brother and wife and kids.

They had a moon walk....

(our nephew Jared sitting on the chair, manning it)


train ride....


Sid and Gayle
Al showing Sophie how to golf

If all else fails -

Hannah did real well!


Al was thrilled that everything was 25 cents!! except the burgers which were 50 cents!
There were hotdogs, chips, pop, water and sno cones. All just a quarter!

See that thing hanging from the ceiling?? A little gross, but I guess it is better than having flies in your food!

The girls wanted to watch the barrel racing

They ran up the steps of the stadium. Obviously they didn't read the sign.

Face painting...

Didn't have time to run to the family farm, so we stopped back at the home to "potty". Hannah wanted to show Grandpa Bill their faces. He broke into a big smile when he saw them!! He didn't say anything and not sure if he even knew who we were, but it was so good to see him happy to see these tigers!


  1. .25? now that's a GREAT fair! we never spend money on food at fairs because its SO expensive!

  2. Hannah was telling me about this today. She said, "And when we showed Grandpa our tiger faces it made him SO happy!"
