Saturday, August 21, 2010


Seriously, these next 3 weeks are going to be most stressful.
So if you find me in la-la land, or cranky, nervous, short (in attitude; nothing I can do about being vertically challenged), running in the halls at church, forgetful, ignoring you..... please forgive me.

August is the busiest time for me, especially in preparing the nursery for the next year.

Proverbs 11:25 says, "...he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." My friends and co-ministry workers have refreshed me lately.

Anbeth and Sarah have been working so hard to staff the nursery for August (when our teachers take a well-deserved break) and for this coming year. They have been so helpful to me!!

Elaine brought me a sack full of fresh peaches (so delicious!!) from their orchard. Yum!!

Here are Gary and Debbe, my check-in workers who so wonderfully welcome the children to the nursery every weekend.

The kids LOVE Mr. Gary. He knows just how to comfort the children. Believe me, if they come crying, he will be able to quiet them down. And yes, Lily did quit crying. It is just hard to have mommy leave at first for some of the little ones. Others come running in and give big smiles!

Debbe called me one day and told me to be ready on Friday. She had a surprise planned for me. She arrived yestereay morning at 8:15 and drove me to Marion, Kansas where I received a full body massage from a therapist she goes to. Oh my goodness!! Aaaahhhh!! Massaging all those stress points.

Then on to Wichita where we spent the day shopping. And lunch at Il Vicino's! We stopped at a knitting store where Debbe was getting some yarn to knit some scarves for others. What a caring, thoughtful friend! I know she was refreshed as she refreshed me, just like it says in Proverbs. What a blast we had!! Thank you sooooooo much, Debbe!!

One of the nursery workers caught this last Sunday.

"Take the bottle Baby!!"

Pray with us as we work to find those who desire to work in the nursery this coming year, teaching the little ones about Jesus, and giving their parents the opportunity to hear about Him too.
We are still needing 11 teachers (some teach every other week) and 8 helpers for the 9:30 and 11:00 services. We are adding a classroom so now we have 6 classes for ages 0-2. God has promised to meet our needs so we trust in Him.
Thank You, my Dearest Friend, for Your refreshing Word that encourages and strengthens me each day!


  1. what a nice suprise-ahhh...a massage would be so nice right now...and you deserved it! thank you for all of you work!!!!!

  2. That was a nice surprise -- a massage! And, I agree -- you do deserve it....We, in this household, are so very thankful for all you do in the nursery. I hope I can find all the help we need for the nursery. I'm a little nervous, but it's in my "worry box" at home :) And, I think once I get the hang of what is needed, it will go better :) See you later this week (Thursday for a meeting).
