Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Florida, Part 2

Al's meetings finished Wednesday afternoon. Before heading out for St. Pete's beach, we decided to go to the Holyland Experience, a Biblical theme park that showcases architectural recreations of Jerusalem, historical exhibits and various plays. Most of the actors and actresses were probably in their early 20's. Very professional and obviously in love with Christ!

The museum had many old Bibles, including a Gutenberg Bible and much more.

Below is a showcase of John Bunyan (not Paul Bunyan, the mythological giant lumberjack). John Bunyan lived in the mid 1600's in England. In those days, meeting-houses (house churches) were not allowed and all citizens were required to attend their Anglican parish church. It became punishable by law to "conduct divine service except in accordance with the ritual of the church, or for one not in Episcopal orders to address a congregation." He was imprisoned for preaching. At first he was imprisoned for three months, but on his refusing to conform, his confinement was extended for a period of nearly 12 years. His refusal of "If you release me today, I will preach tomorrow" kept him imprisoned. It was during this time that he conceived his allegorical novel: The Pilgrim's Progress.

That huge key is the actual key to his prison cell. The wood is from the prison.

I was fascinated with all the old, old Scriptures.
We saw several plays - the woman at the well, a modern day skit about a skeptic at a coffee shop who comes to know Christ, and also a humorous version of Daniel in the lion's den. Below is the return of Christ.

We also had communion at the "Last Supper" in the upper room with other believers - and with "Christ". Pretty cool. We drank from small wooden cups that were from Israel. We were given these to take home.
Next - St. Pete's beach.

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