Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I planned that we would do some Christmas baking when the girls came over today.

They kind of got carried away with the sprinkles.

* * * * * * * * *
Hannah picked up a copy of our National Geographic.
"Look Nana! An Egyptian mommy!"

She wanted to read the article.
"Let's get grossed out!"

As I was reading the article about Egypt, there was a picture of the Nile river and the wilderness. That led to a fun story-telling about Moses being hid in the river as a baby. And how the princess found him. And then as an adult fleeing into the wilderness (I traced on the page with my finger from the river to the wilderness) I explained how he met Jethro and began to work for him and that he got married to Jethro's daughter.

Hannah: Boys marry girls. Who do you want to marry, Sophia?
Sophia: I don't want to do that marrying thing.
Hannah: You have to! Who do you want to marry?
Sophia: I want to marry mommy.
(Perhaps an Egyptian mommy?)

Sorry, Adam and Jill. I am sure the kids had a super sugar high this evening!!!


  1. very cute! Ava got carried away with sprinkles too :o)

  2. Hilarious! Those two say the funniest things! They were pretty wild tonight, but it was a happy wild. ;)

  3. They are so cute and funny! But I think I will cancel our cookie making tomorrow if my kitchen has to look like that. I'm exhausted thinking about that clean up. No, I'm kidding, I just told Dave tonight to be prepared, the kitchen will be a disaster for the next 3 days...if only we could make the memories and not have the cleanup afterwards.
