Friday, August 6, 2010

Pretty Prairie carnaval

While we were watching the kids last weekend, we went out to Pretty Prairie to a carnival. The churches got together to put this on as a kick-off for their combined VBS.

We first stopped at the Prairie Sunset Home to see Al's Dad. We took along a photo album. Unfortunately, it was not a good day for his Dad. I don't think he knew who we were. The only response at all was when Al asked his Dad if he remembered something in the album. He shook his head. Other than that, no response from him. It is real sad to see him like this.

After saying goodbye to Dad, we left to go to the carnival with Al's brother and wife and kids.

They had a moon walk....

(our nephew Jared sitting on the chair, manning it)


train ride....


Sid and Gayle
Al showing Sophie how to golf

If all else fails -

Hannah did real well!


Al was thrilled that everything was 25 cents!! except the burgers which were 50 cents!
There were hotdogs, chips, pop, water and sno cones. All just a quarter!

See that thing hanging from the ceiling?? A little gross, but I guess it is better than having flies in your food!

The girls wanted to watch the barrel racing

They ran up the steps of the stadium. Obviously they didn't read the sign.

Face painting...

Didn't have time to run to the family farm, so we stopped back at the home to "potty". Hannah wanted to show Grandpa Bill their faces. He broke into a big smile when he saw them!! He didn't say anything and not sure if he even knew who we were, but it was so good to see him happy to see these tigers!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We have passes to the Sedgwick County Zoo, but we had heard so much about Tanganyika that we decided we needed to go.

We won't tell mommy that right after I took this picture, the zoo person came running over to tell us that when the kangaroo gets into this position, she is getting ready to box you!

The park is a fun place to play!

Time for snacks - of course, animal crackers!

The animals needed snacks too.

Puddles are such fun!

It was so hot and the kids were tired
piggy back rides......

and Japanese "onbu" (ride on back)

Goodbye Tanganyika! It was fun!

We always stop at McDonald's in Park City on the way home from the zoo.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Make Me Wise

I took the girls to a park this morning while Jill taught piano.

Hannah began to collect twigs to make a lean-to.

"We need to collect Y's (Y shaped twigs)."

Sophia heard her say "wise" so she bursts into song,

"Make me wise, make me wise, let me see who has red eyes" (it is supposed to be "let me see through this world's lies").

She continues "I don't want to drum the wise" (instead of "I don't want to compromise")

The girls love music. This song is by Sovereign Group "Walking with the Wise".

Yes, Lord, may our grandchildren grow to be wise and walk with You and not compromise with the world. And if people have red eyes (from sorrow), help them to be a comfort. And help them not to "drum" or hurt others.

Monday, August 2, 2010

You're my friend!

Adam and Jill went to Peoria, Illinois with Pastor Dave and his wife Marilyn to attend our church conference. So we had the treat of having the girls stay with us for 4 days. We had lots of fun!

I tried to fix fairly nutritious food, but one time we ate a completely fun "yellow" meal! My home ec teacher would have a fit! (Jill, this is your daddy's plate. Hannah laughed so hard when he just dumped on the Cheetos!)

The kids love to listen to oldy story records.

One day, Sophia said "Nana, I love you! You're my friend."
Likewise, Sophia, and Hannah too.
Friends forever!
(Coming soon: trips to Tanganyika and Pretty Prairie)