Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It is a crazy snowy day.

We could have 16 inches by the time it is finished tomorrow.

Jill cancelled piano, not only because of the snow, but because she wasn't feeling well. So Adam brought the girls over this afternoon.

We made snow ice-cream.
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
4-5 cups fresh snow
Eat fast before it melts!

After eating our fill, we decided to do another project. I had looked on-line on how to make home-made silly putty.

2 parts glue to 1 part liquid starch. Mix and knead together. Add food coloring and you are good to go.

Well, at first it wouldn't hold together so well and the instructions said to add more glue if that was the case. So I did that. But then it was too sticky.

And it stuck to their socks.
Hannah said "Mommy is going to fire you! She won't let you watch us anymore!"

I made them take off their socks.

Luckily I read that if it gets on your clothes to clean it off with vinegar and sure enough, it came right off. Thank goodness! I didn't want to get fired!!

In the end, it turned out to be pretty cool stuff. I put it in a baggie to play with next time they come.
Can I keep my job Jill?


  1. YES!!! As long as you do the messy crafts at your house. Is it sad that my 5 year old has picked up on how much I hate messy stuff? They told me the other day that they love being alone with you because "Nana doesn't say no." You're definitely the BEST Nana ever! ;)

  2. i agree, you're such a good grandma-wish i had my mom closer so she could see my girls more often! we had snow icecream last week...yumm!!

  3. Thats hilarous!! I have awesome memories with my grandma!

  4. I love that Grandmas can do the messy crafts! That looks like so much fun!
