Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5

On this day, 6 years ago, we moved into our present home. The young couples in the Bible study group we led at the time purchased this plaque for our front door.

When we had our home built, our basement was unfinished. We decided to save money by doing it ourselves. In between Al's job, our church ministries, and having kids move in with us for some time, the basement remodel has taken time. We are almost done. We can see the end in the horizon.

Today we finished up the fireplace.

We thought that it turned out pretty good - at least for a couple amateurs! I love the tree that Mindy bought for us for Christmas! Thank you, Mindy!!!

Then Al added shelves to the little cove. I got out some of my boxes in storage that had my Japanese nick-nacks. It was like Christmas to see all the precious things I have from Japan!! Haven't seen them for 6 years! I put a few of them out.

March 5 is also Tami's birthday - Happy Birthday friend!

It is also Cora Paige's birthday. She would have been three today. Her family celebrated for her. Read her story here.

Along with the joys are the sorrows of this day. March 5 for us was a day to move to our new home, but it is also a day when others went home to Jesus. Today a few years ago, my friend's 15-year-old son was killed in a motorcycle accident.

So March 5 is a day to celebrate, but a day to mourn also. I remember when my mother-in-law passed away. We were so sad and I just couldn't believe how people could just go about their normal lives when we were just grieving. It seemed like everyone should grieve with us.

Recently, I read a book called "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpo. A wonderful story about a 3-year-old who went to heaven and it tells about the things he saw. Reading this made my heart yearn for the joys of heaven!

One of my favorite stories is "Safely Home" by Randy Alcorn. This artwork by Ron DiCianni was the inspiration behind that story. It is about persecution of believers in China. In the story, he gives you glimpses of what heaven might be like. Again my thoughts turn to being "home". What anticipation!

Tonight at our church community life supper, we sang this song - "He Giveth More Grace".

He giveth more grace when the burden grows greater;
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction He addeth His mercy;
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.

His love has no limit;
His grace has no measure;
His pow'r has no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
verse 17, 18 "And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words."


  1. love the fireplace! you'll have to give us a 'blog tour' of your basement when its completely finished!

  2. I love that tree. Mindy has good taste - learned from her mom I'm sure.

    I knew it was spring when the accident occurred, but I didn't remember the date. Praying for our friends today.

  3. Your fireplace looks amazing!!!
    This is always a bittersweet day!

  4. Sweet post. It's so hard to remember those "hurting" days, but oh, so necessary in the cycle of life!

    Love your new fireplace and the little niche! Looking forward to seeing your completed room. Way to go!

    Wasn't our time of singing together great on Sat night??
    I requested "Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us" because it was sung at our wedding. A very nice evening!
