Thursday, July 14, 2011


This summer I have been meeting with some other women from church on Monday night. We are going through the book "Choosing Gratitude" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Is the gratitude that flows out of your life as abundant as the grace that flows into your life?

"The world tells us annoyances and afflictions cause discouragement and doubt - and that we are right to demand our way. Then there are circumstances that aren't what we wish or even what we think we need and suddenly we're convinced life hurts. The only option we have is to protest or whine - or so it seems.
But what if we responded with worship instead? What if we moved beyond an occasional 'thank you', to cultivate a lifestyle of appreciating God's goodness every day of our lives - despite the circumstances?"

A site a friend from that group shared with me is one by Ann Voskamp. You can download here a 7 Gifts Gratitude booklet to record and print out what you are grateful for each day of the week.

To begin to live a life of grateful worship — counting blessings and giving glory to God! “In Everything Give Thanks…”

Some things I am grateful for:

simple things like windchimes!

glorious sunsets!
(just for you, Sarah!)

laughter - when I see my "pretties" re-arranged by grandchildren


funny son-in-laws!

(love the wig!)

Chocolately smiles!

And so much more......!!!!

friends, family, flowers....

I have a bottle of Joy dishwashing detergent by my sink.
When we built our house 6 years ago, the builder tried to encourage me to put in one of those soap dispensers, but I said "Nope!" I wanted my bottle of Joy. To remind me of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always;
Pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


  1. Love! :) It has been so great to learn how to be grateful in all things with you!

  2. It most definitely has been a wonderful, yet convicting, book to read this summer! And, thanks for the sunset pic....I wouldn't have seen that from our house!

  3. That scripture verse will be our theme verse for M2M this year. And our theme is on gratefulness!
