Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Al's Dad passed away on Friday.

This is Dad and his older sister, Helen. He also had a younger brother, Vic. His baby sister, Ruth passed away as an infant.

One year, the family left right after harvest and visited all the states west of Kansas, except for Nevada. Grandpa Johann Goering went with them.

They spent several winters in Texas because of Grandma's health.

Dad and the love of his life, Kathern.

The name Kathern (or the many variations of it) run as far back as we can trace our family history. Our daughter is Jill Katrina, and our granddaughter is Hannah Kathern.

After they married, God blessed them with 5 boys and 1 girl.

Dad was a sheep farmer. They also had 2 dairy cows, chickens, 2 horses and dogs.

They farmed wheat. We spent many summers helping harvest.

He loved his grandchildren!

1923 - 2011

We'll miss you Dad! But we know you are more alive than you have ever been! You are experiencing things that life on earth can't begin to provide. You are with your Saviour and once again with Mom and also your son, Harley.


  1. May he rest in peace. I am sorry for your loss.

  2. What awesome photos you posted of Allen's dad, his family, and his wife/kids....Thinking of you guys this week.

  3. i'm sure he is having the best time of his life! hugs!

  4. I'm so sorry, Debby. We lost a family member this week, too, so I understand the mix of sadness... and joy that they are pain free and in heaven. Thinking of you and Alan and the rest of your family.

  5. Still praying for your family, even as I anticipate a loss of my own dad. So happy to know you know where he is - with his Savior! I pray my Dad will "make it" there in time, too. BT

  6. I was so blessed to have Bill as my father-in-law (and Kathern for my mother-in-law) for 16 years. Bill was a simple, kind, smart, funny man, whose love of the land and farming was second only to his love of God and family. I remember him telling me that he loved being in the country.........loved always being surrounded by new life. Bill and Kathern helped me develop a strong faith............and although I wandered away from it for a while, it was a tremendous blessing to have that foundation to return to. My heartfelt sympathy to you and Allen and all the other Grabers. Although Bill is now with our dear Father, I know y'all are feeling a real sense of loss right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.................your former SIL, Dianne

  7. Please give my sympathies to Allen. So sorry for the loss, but glad that for the assurance you have.
