Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vacation, 9/11

Last Sunday was 9/11. Before 9/11 became the infamous day it is, it was an important day in our family. My younger brother's birthday. But now it is more.

Adam got out his computer that morning and we watched clips from that day 10 years ago. It is all so sad.

After we had breakfast, we went to The Church at Brook Hills where David Platt is the pastor. You can read about him here. He wrote the book "Radical". His church is just down the road from Mindy's apartment.

His sermon was about 9/11.

Questioning God's greatness: Can He prevent evil?
Questioning God's goodness: Why does He permit evil?

You can listen to the sermon at the church site above. Powerful!

Here is an excerpt from the bulletin:

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!" (from Psalm 46) This is a command, and this is a promise. This is a command from God for us to stop, to pause, and to humbly contemplate His sovereignty over all nature and all nations, all triumphs and all tragedies, all joys and all suffering. Regardless of what is going on in our lives, in our country, or among the nations, we know this one thing: He is God, and He is supreme. He reigns over all peoples, and He rules them for His purposes, which will always and eternally be accomplished. That's the promise. God is working all these things together - even the most difficult things in our lives and the most devastating events in the world - for the good of His people and the glory of His name. God can be trusted, and God will be praised.

So let's join our hearts, minds, and voices together today to joyfully and triumphantly proclaim that we stand on the rock-solid sovereignty of our God.

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After lunch and rest time, we headed out to the pool.

Time for bed and then tomorrow - to the beach!

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